pkluz / PKRevealController

PKRevealController is a delightful view controller container for iOS, enabling you to present multiple controllers on top of one another.
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Left and right view are no longer clipped by the front view #236

Open alvaroloes opened 8 years ago

alvaroloes commented 8 years ago

This pull request sets the width of the left and right views to the value returned by [self leftViewMaxWidth] and [self rightViewMaxWidth], instead of the whole parent width (the PKRevealController view). This avoids the clipping occurred in those views when they are revealed.

You can change the width of any of the view using the method ´setMinimumWidth:maximumWidth:forViewController:`. Take into account that if the min and max have different values, some clipping may still occur. The hidden part (between min and max values) will be shown when the user "tries" to reveal the view beyond the min value.

jfsagasti commented 8 years ago

Good one!

alessandro-martin commented 8 years ago

Thanks dude, you rock!