pkmcfarland / TSTools

Python tools for GPS position time series.
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Gen syn time series #13

Closed pkmcfarland closed 5 years ago

pkmcfarland commented 5 years ago

Added functionality to generate synthetic time series within TimeSeries class.

Book keeping stuff is done within: tstools.timeSeries.genSynthetic()

Actual position computation is done within new module: tstools.compPos

New function: tstools.compPos.getBrkParams( decYear, refYear, brkFile) compares the current epoch for which positions are being computed (decYear) and compares to the times of breaks in brkFile. If the current epoch is greater than the time associated with a break within brkFile then the parameters for that break are colelcted and returned.

New function: tstools.compPos.compPosAtEpoch() takes a whole bunch of parameters (including the ones created by getBrkParams() and returns the position at the epoch of interest.