pkmcfarland / TSTools

Python tools for GPS position time series.
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unit test for timeSeries.readUnrTxyz2() #3

Closed pkmcfarland closed 5 years ago

pkmcfarland commented 5 years ago

I don't have a good sense of what good unit tests look like. As you recommended, it might be a good first task for you to write a unit test for timeSeries.readUnrTxyz2(). It will help you get started working on something in the project and it will help me see what a good unit test for that function looks like.

Please write the test as a stand-alone program named and put it in: TSTools/Test/timeSeries/

pkmcfarland commented 5 years ago

I forgot to mention above that Python has a library for writing and running unit tests called pytest:

The library comes standard with Anaconda 3. I was thinking we could use this for all of our unit tests. I wrote a unit test for xyz_to_llh in our transformation library: TSTools/Lib/ that you can look at if you want an example. Not sure if it is a good unit test but it's an implementation of pytest.