pkolaczk / fclones

Efficient Duplicate File Finder
MIT License
1.91k stars 71 forks source link

Fea request: Provide MacOS builds #64

Closed felciano closed 2 years ago

felciano commented 3 years ago

fclones looks great, but installing a whole Rust build stack to test it out is a bit of barrier. At some point it would be great if MacOS-compatible builds where generated & provided as part of the regular release process.

pkolaczk commented 3 years ago

I'd like to do this but I have no idea how to actually make that happen. I don't even own a Mac ;) Is there a way to generate such packages on Linux? Docker maybe or sth? Or maybe homebrew?

cyounkins commented 2 years ago

If you use Nix, we're working on it here:

pkolaczk commented 2 years ago

@cyounkins the ticket you've linked has been merged. Does it mean fclones is already installable on Darwin? Should I close it?

cyounkins commented 2 years ago

fclones is able to be compiled on Darwin / macOS and basic functionality works, but I haven't extensively tested it. There is at least one failing test due to device names that could be conditioned to be linux-only.

fclones is installable on Darwin / macOS using the Nix package manager when using the 'unstable' channel. Users would need to install Nix, enable the unstable channel, then do nix-env -iA nixpkgs.fclones.

I love Nix, but it has a higher initial learning curve and smaller user base than Homebrew. There will probably be a request for Homebrew packaging either here or in the Homebrew project sometime soon. It sounds like you don't use macOS @pkolaczk so I would let the Homebrew folks handle that.

pkolaczk commented 2 years ago

Release 0.20.1 comes with darwin / macOS build:

I cross-compiled it from Linux. Please let me know how it works.

avioli commented 2 years ago

Release 0.20.1 comes with darwin / macOS build:

I cross-compiled it from Linux. Please let me know how it works.

All works on latest macOS, once I confirmed to run the unsigned binary (there's no way to sign a unix binary AFAIK).

A better alternative would be to create a Homebrew formulae, which is surprisingly easy and I've created one below via similar steps to these:

# run on a mac :)
# install homebrew
# to create the formulae:
brew create --rust
# to set the homepage:
sed -i '' 's|homepage ""|homepage ""|' /opt/homebrew/Library/Taps/homebrew/homebrew-core/Formula/fclones.rb
# to clear the comments:
sed -i '' '/^ *#/d' /opt/homebrew/Library/Taps/homebrew/homebrew-core/Formula/fclones.rb
# to fix the test in a silly way:
sed -i '' 's|system "false"|assert_equal "fclones #{version}", shell_output("#{bin}/fclones --version").strip|' /opt/homebrew/Library/Taps/homebrew/homebrew-core/Formula/fclones.rb
# to install the formulae:
brew install --build-from-source fclones
# to test the formulae:
brew test fclones
fclones.rb with a better test and a bottle hash for macOS Monterey ```ruby class Fclones < Formula desc "Efficient Duplicate File Finder" homepage "" url "" sha256 "5ce5864ee6dec363e72e779a97f5c6e9e23043f3c85c1692c59e040200ba143f" license "MIT" bottle do sha256 cellar: :any_skip_relocation, arm64_monterey: "2a5b1a8a453d5029d81a085475d4c443b25f5198b5752930c299edff6145d45e" end depends_on "rust" => :build def install system "cargo", "install", *std_cargo_args end test do (testpath/"foo1.txt").write "foo" (testpath/"foo2.txt").write "foo" (testpath/"foo3.txt").write "foo" (testpath/"bar1.txt").write "bar" (testpath/"bar2.txt").write "bar" output = shell_output("fclones group #{testpath}") assert_match "Redundant: 9 B (9 B) in 3 files", output assert_match "a9707ebb28a5cf556818ea23a0c7282c", output assert_match "16aa71f09f39417ecbc83ea81c90c4e7", output end end ```

Then this formulae can be sent as a PR to homebrew-core. Once the formula is accepted in their repo, installing it will be trivial via brew install fclones and then upgrading with brew upgrade fclones.

Aside - building a bottle (which is a pre-built binary for a specific OS) for other systems is possible, but I'll have to dig some older macs or even run a linux VM/distro. Let me know.

There's an option to run Homebrew on Linux, which I haven't done since I do not use a linux distro atm.

pkolaczk commented 2 years ago

Until it is merged, you can use pkolaczk/fclones tap. Works on Linux for me.

pkolaczk commented 2 years ago

Yay! They have merged it and now it is officially in homebrew core. Thank you all for the help!