pkolyvas / PowerDeleteSuite

Power Delete Suite for Reddit
89 stars 6 forks source link

Any chance you could make it so that it shows me everything and i could decide one by one if i wanted to keep it or not? #5

Open NastyFlytrap opened 7 months ago

NastyFlytrap commented 7 months ago

My issue is that i have posted a bunch of niche and minor things on reddit over the years, mostly revolving around troubleshooting things and i have no bloody clue what subreddit they were on, what their scores were or when they happened, therefore i cant filter for them, and i really want them to stay up because as much as spez can suck my dk i want that help to be available to people in the future and i dont know how to exclude them from this mass deletion. Hence why im asking you let me choose yes or no for every single thing the suite finds.

I have the time and patience to sit through my approxomitely 2-4 thousand interactions just to make sure the important things stay up, could you let me pick and choose for each one ?

It'd be really neat

Edit: I dont exactly remember what i posted where and some of those that i cant remember from memory are important and i'd like to keep them, but i cant really do that with this unless i know about them. Hence my predicament