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dedupe: will it fail if there is no version overlap? #3

Open IgorMinar opened 10 years ago

IgorMinar commented 10 years ago

Similar setup to #2 but change one of the version ranges to not overlap with the other.

Ideally dedupe should complain. I'm not sure if that's going to happen though we could change dedupe to do that though in our fork.

pkozlowski-opensource commented 10 years ago

OK, so yes, it fails when it can't find matching versions. Example repo / version:

The error message:

npm WARN unavoidable conflict electricity.js { '/Users/pawelkozlowski/work/gitrepos/pkozlowski-opensource/kitchen.js/node_modules/kettle.js/node_modules/electricity.js': '0.0.2', npm WARN unavoidable conflict '/Users/pawelkozlowski/work/gitrepos/pkozlowski-opensource/kitchen.js/node_modules/stowe.js/node_modules/electricity.js': '0.0.1' } npm WARN unavoidable conflict Not de-duplicating