pkp / immersion

An official theme for OJS 3.1.1+
GNU General Public License v2.0
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pkp/pkp-lib#4870 Adapt for 3.2 #35

Closed NateWr closed 4 years ago

NateWr commented 4 years ago

@Vitaliy-1 I made a couple of changes that you should be aware of. First, I migrated immersionAnnouncementsColor from a journal_setting to the theme option. I understand why it was good to add to the announcements form, but I'd prefer to keep these things in plugin settings because it's easier to manage the data. I will add to the 3.2 upgrade scripts to migrate this data too.

Second, we've removed the spectrum colorpicker from 3.2 in favor of a Vue-based one. But it's not that easy to add that color picker into the issue form, so I've included a copy of the color picker in the theme and loaded it on the issue management page.

Let me know if you have any questions about either of these things.