Currently galley genre is not considered when selecting with galley to parse for creating the full-text to be included in the JATS XML. This means its possible other supplementary files could be parsed/given priority over the full-text files in rare cases.
Filter galley files by genre to ensure only the correct types of genres are being considered.
This is not currently a problem that exists in recorded practice, but if it does become a problem with the completion of #59, this issue should be considered.
Currently galley genre is not considered when selecting with galley to parse for creating the full-text to be included in the JATS XML. This means its possible other supplementary files could be parsed/given priority over the full-text files in rare cases.
Filter galley files by genre to ensure only the correct types of genres are being considered.
This is not currently a problem that exists in recorded practice, but if it does become a problem with the completion of #59, this issue should be considered.