Open unicorn855 opened 7 years ago
Thanks for reporting. I will look into it soon. Probably some breaking change in one of the APIs.
You're welcome :) is there something I can do to help the debugging process btw?
Thanks for the offer but not at the moment. I will try the sync from my side and if it works, then I would certainly ask for your help 😄
Hello, just small reporting. After using sync from command line (python3, steps on Google Fit are not the same as on Fitbit. In fact it was 2 steps (Google Fit) and 201 (Fitbit). But maybe it is because of the issue mentioned by unicorn855
@unicorn855 I just tried a full sync for the last 3 days and everything went perfectly well. I did see a few 10s of steps off on one of those days but the sync itself worked - steps, heart rate, activities and weight logs.
@WindRider7 I don't know, do you mean when you went through the initial setup process? When I did it, it was just as described in the setup notes Praveen provided. @praveendath92 hmm interesting, I am still having the same strange issue that when I look on the web-UI of the GoogleFit service, it has some days completely missing (even if I synchronized just before) and erroneous data on other days. Maybe this gas to do with several mobile devices logged into the same account and reporting different values (even though I disabled access on all devices other than one phone, but maybe I need to completely uninstall the GoogleFit app from all devices but one? It is certainly a strange sort of error.) Is there something I can do to help us all find the reason for the way googleFit behaves for me at the moment? have a nice evening everyone :)
I discovered that the application doesn't sync with googleFit at all for two weeks now, at all, I don't know what is up with that.