pkrumins / node-tree-kill

kill trees of processes
MIT License
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Not functional on Docker Alpine #38

Open Juriy opened 2 years ago

Juriy commented 2 years ago


Trying to use this module for killing a process tree in Docker that is built on Alpine image. Unfortunately, the module fails to create a process tree, since ps does not support some of the flags that the module is relying on: --no-headers and --ppid. This results in a process returning non-zero code. Module interprets non-zero as "no child processes" and swallows the error silently.

I was trying to find a way to change the command in buildProcessTree so that it simulates the same output. Removing header is easy - we can pass the names of the columns with -o, removing the header completely:

/usr/src/app # ps -opid=""

But lack of --ppid filter support making it slightly more challenging. My Linux knowledge is not enough to tell if manually filtering by ppid in the following command would do the trick:

/usr/src/app # ps -opid="" -oppid=""
    1     0
   23     1
   49     0
   68    49

If that's the case, it would probably be the most portable version (except for the cases when ps is not present at all as described in

If there's an ambition to rewrite this part of the code, I am happy to collaborate 🙂

m0ngr31 commented 1 year ago

@Juriy this is what I was able to whip up in my own project:

export const killChildren = (pid: number) => {
  const children = [];

  try {
    const psRes = execSync(`ps -opid="" -oppid="" |grep ${pid}`).toString().trim().split(/\n/);

    (psRes || []).forEach(pidGroup => {
      const [actual, parent] = pidGroup.trim().split(/ +/);

      if (parent.toString() === pid.toString()) {
        children.push(parseInt(actual, 10));
  } catch (e) {}

  try {
    children.forEach(childPid => kill(childPid));
  } catch (e) {}
TheThing commented 4 months ago

thanks @m0ngr31 for that code sample. I ended up stealing it and using it in my project (WTFPL). Hope you don't mind me adapting it into my library and re-licensing as such?

m0ngr31 commented 4 months ago

thanks @m0ngr31 for that code sample. I ended up stealing it and using it in my project (WTFPL). Hope you don't mind me adapting it into my library and re-licensing as such?

Go for it