pkuehnel / TeslaSolarCharger

A software to let your Tesla charge with solar energy ☀
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Two small basic questions #1326

Closed pdb01 closed 2 days ago

pdb01 commented 2 weeks ago

Hi again,

Apologies for my maybe irrelevant and stupid questions, but I'm a bit puzzled :-)

Since all the strange Tesla behavior and updates, I also updated some software... anyway, I had to reinstall everything, but since I have these topics:


pdb01 commented 2 days ago

I try my luck again...

With one of the other questions asked, I saw that indeed (I thought I was getting mad :-p) in the normal view, you should have a power buffer visual, which is gone for me since the latest updates.

image (left is mine; right I took from other question)

Again, functioning is OK as powerbuffer which I impose through a swagger command from Home Assistant is taken into account and functioning, however it's not shown above nor in the settings page (it remains at 0).

As it's functioning, not too big of a concern, but as sometimes reaction is impacted (probably due to the 200 API call limitation etc.), I thought it's worth mentioning.

Regarding my second question (database), not dramatic, but was wondering if indeed TeslaMate full database information is stored in your backup as well. Too late for my past TeslaMate data, but just interesting to understand.


pkuehnel commented 2 days ago

Sorry for not giving an answer. Had the same bug but many things going on currently regarding Tesla API changes. Is fixed in next version

pkuehnel commented 2 days ago

@pdb01 Please create a separate issue for your other problem