pkulchenko / ZeroBraneStudio

Lightweight Lua-based IDE for Lua with code completion, syntax highlighting, live coding, remote debugger, and code analyzer; supports Lua 5.1, 5.2, 5.3, 5.4, LuaJIT and other Lua interpreters on Windows, macOS, and Linux
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Cratera compiler support (read: ZBS's table handling is suboptimal) #1003

Open SoniEx2 opened 5 years ago

SoniEx2 commented 5 years ago

Debugging the Cratera compiler is a bit of a pain, as the tables used in the parser get converted to "nil" in the stack window. I still managed to do it, but I don't wish this on anyone.

Announcement post, on the Lua mailing list:

The files are "testc.lua' (which tests the compiler) and "dirtycompiler.lua" (which contains the compiler).

pkulchenko commented 5 years ago

@SoniEx2, usually tables are shown as nil when there are circular references in them. You may add __tostring or __serialize handlers that will show the content any way you want it.

SoniEx2 commented 5 years ago

there aren't circular references in them but still show up as nil. ideally it'd show e.g. the "string" table as just "string" and all the marker tables as TK.something (as they are stored in the "TK" table). similar to how Lua itself does it when an error happens.

pkulchenko commented 5 years ago

Can you run mobdebug.dump and mobdebug.line on one of the tables (in your code) and show the result?

SoniEx2 commented 5 years ago

oh, additionally they do have __tostring, see line 754 on file luatokens.lua.

how would you like me to run those?

pkulchenko commented 5 years ago

Just print the results of them from your code and paste the output here.

SoniEx2 commented 5 years ago

from the remote console?

pkulchenko commented 5 years ago

No, from your application, without the IDE. Just add local mobdebug=require'mobdebug' and print mobdebug.dump and mobdebug.line results for one of the tables.

SoniEx2 commented 5 years ago

I don't have mobdebug, can I run it from the IDE, without debugger attached?

pkulchenko commented 5 years ago

yes; run it from the IDE (using Run/F6).

SoniEx2 commented 5 years ago
mobdebug.dump:  do local _={[1]="\n",[2]="\n",[3]="\n",[4]="\n",[5]="\n",[6]="\n",[7]="\n",[8]="\n",[9]="\n",[10]="\n",[11]="\n",[12]="\n",[13]="\n",[14]="\n",[15]="\n",[16]="\n",[17]="\n",[18]="\n",[19]="\n",[20]="\n",[21]="\n",[22]="TK_LOCAL",[23]="TK_NAME",[24]="is51",[25]="=",[26]="(",[27]="TK_FUNCTION",[28]="(",[29]=")",[30]=nil,[31]=nil,[32]="_ENV",[33]="=",[34]="{",[35]=nil,[36]="hasenv",[37]="=",[38]="TK_TRUE",[39]="}",n=39};local __={};_[30]=_[22];_[31]=_[23];_[35]=_[23];return _;end
mobdebug.line:  {"\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "TK_LOCAL", "TK_NAME", "is51", "=", "(", "TK_FUNCTION", "(", ")", nil --[[ref]], nil --[[ref]], "_ENV", "=", "{", nil --[[ref]], "hasenv", "=", "TK_TRUE", "}", n = 39} --[[table: 0x1437e60]] --[[incomplete output with shared/self-references skipped]]
SoniEx2 commented 5 years ago

see, it's making nils.

pkulchenko commented 5 years ago

Right, you can see why in the dump output: _[30]=_[22];_[31]=_[23];_[35]=_[23]. This means that [30] and [22] elements have the same value and it's not possible to serialize them properly as one literal, same for 23, 31, and 35. That's why they are shown as nil with [[ref]] comment indicating that it's a multi-ref value that can't be literal-serialized.

SoniEx2 commented 5 years ago

still makes it hard/impossible to debug.