pkuliyi2015 / multidiffusion-upscaler-for-automatic1111

Tiled Diffusion and VAE optimize, licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0
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[Feature Request] Support for Stable Diffusion Forge #350

Open Vigilence opened 4 months ago

Vigilence commented 4 months ago

@pkuliyi2015 I would love to see official support for stable diffusion forge. It is made by the creator of the controlnet extension. It has the same UI as automatic1111, but the backend has been revised with additional code so that its more memory efficient.

Your tiled vae part of this extension has been successfully integrated into the project. And some of the tiled diffusion part has also been integrated. However, it does not function the same as the author of forge states that he is confused as how it works with all the backend code, including the upscaler, so that part has been stripped out.

If perhaps you can help make the changes needed so that your extension fully works in forge that would be great. Some of your extension is already done, so hopefully that means less work for you.

LindezaBlue commented 4 months ago

I agree, I too am wanting this as there is no support for it at the moment.

Manchovies commented 4 months ago

I don't know if this is worth anything, but also chiming in here with this request. Forge is great and I miss using this extension so much, but the benefits of using forge without outweigh the usage of vanilla Automatic at the moment. Thanks for your work! :)

ItsAuver commented 4 months ago

+1 for this request

Pervertica commented 4 months ago


williw89 commented 4 months ago

My comrade! This is an urgent task, a top priority!

LindezaBlue commented 4 months ago

Forge is way faster than A1111, I really want to use this extension, but I can't go back to A1111.

abubasal commented 4 months ago

+1. wow I thought for sure this would be in forged but i was shocked to see the integrated version is not the same thing at all! please provide support for forge

Kahsolt commented 4 months ago

Receiving many voices for migrating to sd-webui-forge :) However, our friend @pkuliyi2015 is so busy with his graduation and essays, me also hard working on ML contests...

What about listening to @lllyasviel's advice? 🤔 What's forge's roadmap for this multi-diff? Will you re-write these all (to satisfy that new framework)?

LiJT commented 4 months ago

Receiving many voices for migrating to sd-webui-forge :) However, our friend @pkuliyi2015 is so busy with his graduation and essays, me also hard working on ML contests...

What about listening to @lllyasviel's advice? 🤔 What's forge's roadmap for this multi-diff? Will you re-write these all (to satisfy that new framework)?

大佬哭求更新,Forge目前的Multi diffusion少了一个重要功能没有Noise Inversion, 实在是难受

LindezaBlue commented 4 months ago

Receiving many voices for migrating to sd-webui-forge :) However, our friend @pkuliyi2015 is so busy with his graduation and essays, me also hard working on ML contests...

What about listening to @lllyasviel's advice? 🤔 What's forge's roadmap for this multi-diff? Will you re-write these all (to satisfy that new framework)?

I think it would be well worth it to get it running on the new forge webui. As it is the extension for Multi-Diffusion is really good, and very fast.. and if it was paired with the speed of forge, the render time for images would be really good.

I understand people get busy, I'm not expecting it to be updated within the next month or so. Programming is difficult work and takes time, and life happens, it would be nice to see a status update that it is in the works, or something similar.

ryanull24 commented 4 months ago

+1 would like to see this working in Forge.

philmcrakin commented 4 months ago


Centurion-Rome commented 4 months ago

No brainer: We need it in forge!

wangfeng35 commented 4 months ago


LindezaBlue commented 3 months ago


srandovnidobrodruzstvi commented 3 months ago

+1 this Extension is the only reason to re-enable a1111 and fight the insane battle with vram management again (especially when the required capacity changes during the day). I'm really excited for the day when I can run it in forge and at full speed <3

Myoko commented 3 months ago

This is a very useful extension, hopefully it will work on forge.

louiskaneko34m commented 3 months ago


Kahsolt commented 3 months ago

After I carefully checked the forge's implementation, I found that it is actually syncing with the ComfyUI version, hence only basic functionality is available. I think we're not responsible for this :( Though I must say the forge is really really fucking fast...

LindezaBlue commented 3 months ago

After I carefully checked the forge's implementation, I found that it is actually syncing with the ComfyUI version, hence only basic functionality is available. I think we're not responsible for this :( Though I must say the forge is really really fucking fast...

Interesting, the devs over at forge say it's a fork of A1111, but if it is syncing with ComfyUI... That would explain a lot especially since Multi-Diffusion works with the latest version of A1111.

I wonder if there is a workaround to get functionality on Forge... SD.Next doesn't even come close to forges speed, and it's a definite improvement over A1111.

Kahsolt commented 3 months ago

Forge's integration of this extension is not well-arranged. Based on my own understanding, it's copied from the ComfyUI version, then been modified to suit into the sd-webui framework, and leaving much redundancies and danglings in code text -- it is hard to manage and remake it right & beautiful.

LindezaBlue commented 3 months ago

Forge's integration of this extension is not well-arranged. Based on my own understanding, it's copied from the ComfyUI version, then been modified to suit into the sd-webui framework, and leaving much redundancies and danglings in code text -- it is hard to manage and remake it right & beautiful.

Does that mean there is potential for the webui (forge) to improve in performance if properly optimized and earned up? That would be amazing if that was the case.

Kahsolt commented 3 months ago

Forge's integration of this extension is not well-arranged. Based on my own understanding, it's copied from the ComfyUI version, then been modified to suit into the sd-webui framework, and leaving much redundancies and danglings in code text -- it is hard to manage and remake it right & beautiful.

Does that mean there is potential for the webui (forge) to improve in performance if properly optimized and earned up? That would be amazing if that was the case.

Yes, but please consider what this mean to us...

ComfyUI implements a subset of the A1111's, and then forge borrows from (a maybe subset of) ComfyUI. Then when there's a new feature or bugfix of the original A1111, we'll have to fix it at 3 places... kill me, thx

LindezaBlue commented 3 months ago

Forge's integration of this extension is not well-arranged. Based on my own understanding, it's copied from the ComfyUI version, then been modified to suit into the sd-webui framework, and leaving much redundancies and danglings in code text -- it is hard to manage and remake it right & beautiful.

Does that mean there is potential for the webui (forge) to improve in performance if properly optimized and earned up? That would be amazing if that was the case.

Yes, but please consider what this mean to us...

ComfyUI implements a subset of the A1111's, and then forge borrows from (a maybe subset of) ComfyUI. Then when there's a new feature or bugfix of the original A1111, we'll have to fix it at 3 places... kill me, thx

My god that sounds like a pain beyond imagination. I sincerely hope it doesn't end up being that much work. I mean if it does and it turns out it would be hard to implement it, no worries. I'm no programmer, but I do understand the workload. And if it's not worth it, then it's not worth it.

Either way keep up the outstanding work! 😁👍🏼 You have our support one way or the other! 🫂

LindezaBlue commented 2 months ago

Tested with latest model, tried tweaking settings and still can't force it to work with forge. image

Vigilence commented 2 months ago

Tested with latest model, tried tweaking settings and still can't force it to work with forge. image

Forge author hard coded this extension to be disabled. You would have to request him to remove that disable code.

LindezaBlue commented 2 months ago

Tested with latest model, tried tweaking settings and still can't force it to work with forge. image

Forge author hard coded this extension to be disabled. You would have to request him to remove that disable code.

I have opened up a new ticket with the Forge Developers to see if we can get them to re-enable the extension so that it can either be used, or worked on to get support in Forge.

I would highly encourage everyone here that wants this extension to be supported in Forge to head over to this post and comment there so the Devs of Forge get the ball moving. I've posted the link below.

Support for Multi-Diffusion Upscaler #672