pkumza / LibRadar

LibRadar - A detecting tool for 3rd-party libraries in Android apps.
Apache License 2.0
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more of the staged records tagged #3

Closed IzzySoft closed 7 years ago

IzzySoft commented 7 years ago


after a quite lengthy session, I've now tagged most of the Bouncy Castle record (those were quite a few!) A few I've left untagged as I couldn't identify them based on the recent version – so I'm not sure if they match that library. One additional entry staged and tagged (found in one of the .apk files I scanned). Hope everything fits again.

Btw: I had to throw away another planned PR as you did the same 3 lines in in parallel LOL Luckily I've noticed before commiting and pushing :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

IzzySoft commented 7 years ago

Guess I'm putting in the breaks now again, before this batch gets to large. Once merged, I can create a new one. Still more than 20 libs in queue here :)

pkumza commented 7 years ago

👍 Thanks a lot for your efforts.

IzzySoft commented 7 years ago

You're welcome! Glad if I can "give something back" for what I "take" :) But it looks like the commits haven't been merged except for 28160a3? What about the other 11? I did a pull & merge & push to my fork, and it shows I'm "13 commits ahead". Auto-creating a PR from that shows most of the above to be sent. Shall I resent them with a new PR? I'm a bit confused now ;)

Edit: Strangely, a new PR (not created yet) shows 13 commits but 0 files changed? I'm in a hurry currently. Let me check that later (compare a clone of your repo against mine). I suspect Github is "confused": if contents show no difference, I'll just ditch my fork and create a new one. Will report back in a couple of hours.

IzzySoft commented 7 years ago

OK, no idea what GH did here, but the pulled-and-merged version of my repo is identical to yours. So as I wrote: please ignore the trouble, I'll just drop my fork and create a new, clean one to continue :)

IzzySoft repo pkzuma repo
Contributions as shown in my repo / your repo (click images for larger variants)

Status PR
Status and initiating a PR (dropped the latter, of course)

The screenshots have been created just now, i.e. after you merged my PR and I pulled again from upstream.