pkumza / LibRadar

LibRadar - A detecting tool for 3rd-party libraries in Android apps.
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Speed up apktool: skip resources, we don't need them anyway #35

Closed IzzySoft closed 7 years ago

IzzySoft commented 7 years ago

side effect: working around a current bug, see Error with animated vector drawble.

For me that was the main reason – and the speedup the side effect. We don't need the "resources" (drawables etc) to identify function calls (and package names), do we? Cuts processing time down considerably (felt like factor 2+, but I didn't measure it). You might wish to port this to V2 as well, it's just 3 characters to add to the apktool call :smiley_cat:

pkumza commented 7 years ago

In 2013, I'm trying hard to find out this. I don't need resources but it offers and wastes a lot of time. However, that version of Apktool seems do not support this function.

It will be useful for detecting stage in Version 1 !

In version 2, I don't use Apktool any more.😁 I implemented a dex parser for feature extracting.

IzzySoft commented 7 years ago

Always glad to help! While on it, would you consider updating the apktool.jar to the latest available version (currently the one released in January) to minimize issues? For some APKs, the old version crashed on me – so in my installation I've already replaced it (so of course, I could also push that if you want me to). Using it successfully for a couple of months already.

Dex parser now, huh? Need to take a look at that when I find time. Currently I'm happy for the speed-up gained with that simple parameter, and the libraries finally set up cleaner.

Which reminds me: I had opened an issue (#33) to collect our open points. Expect a new PR soon with some of the recommended changes already implemented: javax more fine-grained, Polidea "untagged". These were the last steps I needed to accomplish before my pending big task, running a rescan on 600+ APK files currently in my repo to properly tag them, and have the ma stuff shown together with ad (so called "AntiFeatures" :smile_cat: ) So, last chance to stop me if you need to :innocent: