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Centos 9 Stream Daemon libxml2 Error #4

Open 1muratbulbul opened 1 year ago

1muratbulbul commented 1 year ago

[root@localhost klish]# /usr/local/bin/klishd -d -v -f ./klishd.conf klishd: Parse config file: ./klishd.conf klishd: opts: Foreground = true klishd: opts: Verbose = true klishd: opts: LogFacility = daemon klishd: opts: PIDPath = /var/run/ klishd: opts: ConfigPath = ./klishd.conf klishd: opts: UnixSocketPath = /tmp/klish-unix-socket klishd: opts: DBs = libxml2 klishd: Start daemon. Scheme errors: DB "libxml2": cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory DB "libxml2": Can't load DB plugin klishd: Stop daemon.

1muratbulbul commented 1 year ago

Solved with the following option: ./configure --with-libxml2=/usr