pkuserc / RELA

Sequence Generation with Label Augmentation for Relation Extraction, AAAI2023
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Datasets #1

Open heng840 opened 1 year ago

heng840 commented 1 year ago

I saw the code below: Train_file = 'Summary_tacred/Tacred_train_augMented.csv' test_file = 'Summary_tacred/tacred_test_augmented.csv' The problem is that these two CSV files have not been uploaded. Can you upload these two files? Or is there any other solution?

DeePBluE666 commented 1 year ago

Hello: To respect the copyright of the underlying TAC KBP corpus, TACRED is released via the Linguistic Data Consortium (LDC). Please refer for more detail.

After you get the dataset, just replace relation names as the augmented names. We have reported the augmented names in our paper.

heng840 commented 1 year ago

thank you indeed!