line 243 wrote:'docker rm $(docker ps -aq)', shell=True)
I totally cannot understand why TGS has to remove all the containers on my machine. And also, if you really have to do that, you should notify the user before you doing that, but I did not see any notice from the shell or in your documents. It is unacceptable to me because important data in my containers are also removed. I think you guys did a terrible job of making your system open source. line 243 wrote:'docker rm $(docker ps -aq)', shell=True)
I totally cannot understand why TGS has to remove all the containers on my machine. And also, if you really have to do that, you should notify the user before you doing that, but I did not see any notice from the shell or in your documents. It is unacceptable to me because important data in my containers are also removed. I think you guys did a terrible job of making your system open source.