pkweitai / hummingbotAI

Hummingbot AI enablement contributions from community
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[feature] Create an API spec for interactions between Hummingbot AI and external news indexer #14

Open martinkou opened 2 weeks ago

martinkou commented 2 weeks ago


Hummingbot AI chat interface and news scraper / indexer should be separate components and entities, since end users are usually not interested in running data scraping and warehousing operations themselves. They just want to trade.

This means we'll need some form of API between Hummingbot AI and external news indexers to communicate with each other. In addition, we should allow Hummingbot AI to subscribe to multiple news indexers - since we want running news indexers to be a community effort rather than centralized effort.

Since it costs resources to run a news indexer - we should define a way for indexers to be paid by subscribers, and for subscribers to authenticate themselves to an indexer. We should use HBOT as the common currency for indexer services. This means wallet signatures should naturally become the authentication mechanism as well.

There is no need to build out the full payment and authentication rail as part of the initial demo. But the API specs should still be mindful to be as simple and easy to implement as possible.
