pl-wnifc / humdrum-polish-scores

Humdrum digital scores from sources in Polish libraries.
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Encoding errors (probably problems with sic tool interacting with encoding errors) #3

Open craigsapp opened 4 months ago

craigsapp commented 4 months ago

In the score: or or on VHV:

There are encoding errors that prevent display on POPC2 website (and VHV),

Looking at the score in VHV, there is a rhythm error around line 394, where there is a mixture of data and interpretations:

Screenshot 2024-02-12 at 15 00 28

The 1e note should not be on the green highlighted line.

Also the SIC command !LO:SIC:v:o=*xywh-#67:4512,4594,3338,605 does not make sense. The may be a mixture of a real SIC for a note being placed before xywh-#67:4512,4594,3338,605 rather than before the actual note that the SIC applies to (see next paragraph).

A likely problem that could have happend is that the problem spine was originally:


Which has the LO:SIC coming before the non-null interpretation *xywh-67#:4512,4594,3338,605. When sic is run to make the sic substitution the sic is applied to the *xywh interpretation rather than the 1d\ data token. If so, then I can reverse the process (but the order of the LO:SIC should be fixed by hand. I can add an option to sic so that it will not mix token types such as interpretations and data in this case. These cases can then be fixed by hand by changing the order line LO:SIC lines so that the files do not generate such errors when processed by sic.

It does not happen often: there are three files with a total of 23 cases:

pl-gd/kern/pl-gd--ee-1638--005-008_marenzio-luca--il-primo-libro-de-madrigali-spirituali-a-cinque-voci-quasi-vermiglia-rosa.krn:!   !   !   !   !LO:SIC:o=*xywh-#518:1173,3903,3344,727:v   !   !   !   !   !
pl-gd/kern/pl-gd--ee-1638--005-013_marenzio-luca--il-primo-libro-de-madrigali-spirituali-a-cinque-voci-signor-cui-gia-fu-poco.krn:!LO:SIC:o=8e\ !   !   !   !   !   !LO:SIC:o=*xywh-#64:4507,1793,3344,751  !   !   !   !   !   !   !   !
pl-gd/kern/pl-gd--ee-1638--005-013_marenzio-luca--il-primo-libro-de-madrigali-spirituali-a-cinque-voci-signor-cui-gia-fu-poco.krn:! !   !   !   !   !   !LO:SIC:o=*xywh-#64:4507,3441,3392,690  !   !   !   !   !   !   !   !
pl-gd/kern/pl-gd--ee-1638--005-016_marenzio-luca--il-primo-libro-de-madrigali-spirituali-a-cinque-voci-fallace-incerta.krn:!    !   !   !   !LO:SIC:o=8d\   !   !LO:SIC:o=*xywh-#522:1146,3348,3359,756 !   !   !
pl-gd/kern/pl-gd--ee-1638--005-016_marenzio-luca--il-primo-libro-de-madrigali-spirituali-a-cinque-voci-fallace-incerta.krn:!    !   !   !   !   !   !LO:SIC:o=*xywh-#522:1092,3996,3445,615 !   !   !
pl-gd/kern/pl-gd--ee-1638--005-016_marenzio-luca--il-primo-libro-de-madrigali-spirituali-a-cinque-voci-fallace-incerta.krn:!    !   !LO:SIC:o=*xywh-#66:1066,3453,3380,678  !   !   !   !   !   !   !
pl-gd/kern/pl-gd--ee-1638--005-017_marenzio-luca--il-primo-libro-de-madrigali-spirituali-a-cinque-voci-se-s-acquettasse.krn:!   !   !   !   !   !   !   !   !   !   !   !   !LO:SIC:o=*xywh-#674:4669,2739,3515,798:v   !   !
pl-gd/kern/pl-gd--ee-1638--005-019_marenzio-luca--il-primo-libro-de-madrigali-spirituali-a-cinque-voci-tal-hor-dal-cor.krn:!    !   !   !LO:MO:mod=bo-  !LO:SIC:v:o=*xywh-#67:4512,4594,3338,605    !   !   !   !   !
pl-gd/kern/pl-gd--ee-1638--005-020_marenzio-luca--il-primo-libro-de-madrigali-spirituali-a-cinque-voci-signor-tu-vedi.krn:! !   !   !   !   !   !   !   !LO:SIC:o=*xywh-#676:1163,1110,3472,754:v   !
pl-kk/kern/pl-kk--kk-i-2--051-005_pekiel-bartlomiej--missa-brevis-benedictus.krn:!  !   !LO:SIC:o=2.A,</    !   !LO:SIC:o=*xywh-#194:7948,3776,6947,1227    !   !LO:SIC:o=2.d\  !
pl-kk/kern/pl-kk--kk-i-7--033-002_pekiel-bartlomiej--missa-et-in-terra.krn:!LO:SIC:o=4GG;,/ !   !   !   !   !   !   !   !   !LO:SIC:o=*xywh-#20:7136,3037,6038,866  !   !
pl-kk/kern/pl-kk--kk-i-7--033-005_pekiel-bartlomiej--missa-agnus-dei.krn:!  !   !   !   !LO:SIC:o=*xywh-#110:7418,3862,6178,770 !   !   !
pl-kk/kern/pl-kk--kk-i-7--034_pekiel-bartlomiej--patrem-omnipotentem.krn:!  !   !   !LO:SIC:o=*xywh-#186:1061,3857,5852,830 !   !   !LO:TX:t=P:problem=kreska pseudotaktowa !   !   !   !   !
pl-kk/kern/pl-kk--kk-i-7--034_pekiel-bartlomiej--patrem-omnipotentem.krn:!LO:SIC:o=*xywh-#278:7144,2362,5908,751    !   !   !   !   !   !LO:SIC:o=2c\   !   !   !LO:SIC:o=2e\   !   !
pl-kk/kern/pl-kk--kk-i-7--036-001_pekiel-bartlomiej--missa-kyrie.krn:!  !   !   !LO:SIC:o=*xywh-#188:7146,3094,6053,838 !   !   !LO:TX:t=P:problem=cezura na 1. linii   !   !   !   !   !
pl-wn/kern/pl-wn--mus-iii-147-376_badarzewska-tekla--sympathie-melodie-italienne.krn:!LO:SIC:o=*xywh-3:327,987,2699,784:v   !   !   !   !
pl-wn/kern/pl-wn--mus-iii-601--003-001_janiewicz-feliks--iiie-trio-allegro.krn:!    !   !   !   !LO:SIC:o=*xywh-#16:571,3090,3388,336   !   !
pl-wn/kern/pl-wn--mus-iii-601--003-001_janiewicz-feliks--iiie-trio-allegro.krn:!    !   !   !   !LO:SIC:o=*xywh-#16:548,3380,3395,343   !   !
pl-wn/kern/pl-wn--mus-iii-601--003-003_janiewicz-feliks--iiie-trio-rondeau-allegro.krn:!    !   !   !   !LO:SIC:o=*xywh-#19:428,4377,3444,325:v !
pl-wn/kern/pl-wn--mus-iii-601--004-001_janiewicz-feliks--ive-trio-allegro-moderato.krn:!LO:SIC:o=*xywh-#70:585,1182,3449,328:v  !   !   !   !   !
pl-wn/kern/pl-wn--mus-iii-601--005-002_janiewicz-feliks--ve-trio-le-chant-des-juifs.krn:!   !   !   !   !LO:SIC:o=*xywh-#28:614,3674,3366,349:v !
pl-wn/kern/pl-wn--mus-iii-601--006-002_janiewicz-feliks--vie-trio-andante.krn:! !   !   !   !LO:SIC:o=*xywh-#33:408,2821,3465,513:v !
pl-wn/kern/pl-wn--mus-iii-65-948-cim_sowinski-wojciech--mazepa-op-75.krn:!  !   !   !   !   !   !LO:TX:a:t=1    !   !   !   !   !   !LO:SIC:v:o=*xywh-#53:249,1146,2944,374 !   !   !   !   !   !   !   !   !   !   !   !   !   !   !   !   !   !   !   !

Bash command to check files:

for i in */kern;
     for j in $i/*.krn
         grep  -H "SIC.*xywh" $j
done  > /tmp/report.txt

(I separated by siglum in case there is a problem with maximum command line doing them all at the same time.)

Here is a check of the rhythm syntax in all files:

for i in */kern
     for j in $i/*.krn
          echo $j 
         rcheck $j
done > /tmp/report-rcheck.txt

I am finding these rhytm errors (only the first one in a file is identified, and the rcheck gives up):

Searching for the string Error in the report-rcheck.txt file:

grep Error /tmp/report-rcheck.txt | grep -B1 

327 files have rhythm errors (4% of the digital scores):

Click to see list of files and first case of rhythm errors ``` pl-cz/kern/pl-cz--d-ii-40--001-002_elsner-jozef--requiem-in-c-op-42-dies-irae.krn Error on line: 260: problem with rhythm in **kern spine 5 -- pl-cz/kern/pl-cz--d-ii-40--001-006_elsner-jozef--requiem-in-c-op-42-sanctus.krn Error on line: 651: problem with rhythm in **kern spine 9 -- pl-cz/kern/pl-cz--d-ii-40--001-007_elsner-jozef--requiem-in-c-op-42-agnus.krn Error on line: 250: problem with rhythm in **kern spine 1 -- pl-cz/kern/pl-cz--d-ii-40--001-008_elsner-jozef--requiem-in-c-op-42-lux.krn Error on line: 222: problem with rhythm in **kern spine 1 -- pl-cz/kern/pl-cz--d-iii-30--001-005_elsner-jozef--missa-in-c-op-26-benedictus.krn Error on line: 465: problem with rhythm in **kern spine 3 -- pl-cz/kern/pl-cz--d-iii-46_elsner-jozef--te-deum.krn Error on line: 2468: problem with rhythm in **kern spine 13 -- pl-cz/kern/pl-cz--i-10--001-001_engel-jan--requiem-requiem.krn Error on line: 773: problem with rhythm in **kern spine 6 -- pl-cz/kern/pl-cz--i-155--002-001_anonim--partita-es-allegro.krn Error on line: 480: problem with rhythm in **kern spine 1 -- pl-cz/kern/pl-cz--i-155--006-003_anonim--partia-es-menuetto.krn Error on line: 297: problem with rhythm in **kern spine 4 -- pl-cz/kern/pl-cz--i-54_leszczynski-wladyslaw--mandatum-novum.krn Error on line: 955: problem with rhythm in **kern spine 4 -- pl-cz/kern/pl-cz--i-8--001-002_danka--missa-es-gloria.krn Error on line: 622: problem with rhythm in **kern spine 6 -- pl-cz/kern/pl-cz--i-81_kietlinski-albert--w-twym-swietym-kosciele.krn Error on line: 171: problem with rhythm in **kern spine 1 -- pl-cz/kern/pl-cz--ii-129--001-002_kozlowski-jozef--requiem-dies-irae.krn Error on line: 2050: problem with rhythm in **kern spine 1 -- pl-cz/kern/pl-cz--ii-15--002-dublet_szlagorski-walenty--mazur-dublet-dublet.krn Error on line: 111: problem with rhythm in **kern spine 3 -- pl-cz/kern/pl-cz--ii-15--002_szlagorski-walenty--mazur.krn Error on line: 115: problem with rhythm in **kern spine 3 -- pl-cz/kern/pl-cz--ii-184--001-003_neumann-wawrzyniec--vesperae-de-apostolis-in-c-credidi.krn Error on line: 584: problem with rhythm in **kern spine 5 -- pl-cz/kern/pl-cz--ii-184--001-005_neumann-wawrzyniec--vesperae-de-apostolis-in-c-domine-probasti-me.krn Error on line: 174: problem with rhythm in **kern spine 2 -- pl-cz/kern/pl-cz--ii-184--001-006_neumann-wawrzyniec--vesperae-de-apostolis-in-c-magnificat.krn Error on line: 739: problem with rhythm in **kern spine 2 -- pl-cz/kern/pl-cz--ii-188--001-003_orlowski-michal--missa-ex-g-laudamus.krn Error on line: 1138: problem with rhythm in **kern spine 6 -- pl-cz/kern/pl-cz--ii-188--001-006_orlowski-michal--missa-ex-g-quoniam.krn Error on line: 190: problem with rhythm in **kern spine 4 -- pl-cz/kern/pl-cz--ii-19--001-001_volckmer-augustin--aria-duplex-lauda-sion.krn Error on line: 1209: problem with rhythm in **kern spine 5 -- pl-cz/kern/pl-cz--ii-19--001-002_volckmer-augustin--aria-duplex-generosa-et-formosa.krn Error on line: 917: problem with rhythm in **kern spine 5 -- pl-cz/kern/pl-cz--ii-241--001-002_zeidler-jozef--missa-d-gloria.krn Error on line: 81: problem with rhythm in **kern spine 3 -- pl-cz/kern/pl-cz--ii-257--002_kottritsch-franciszek--sonata-2.krn Error on line: 369: problem with rhythm in **kern spine 4 -- pl-cz/kern/pl-cz--ii-267--001_koperski-maksymilian--vidi-aquam-in-c.krn Error on line: 119: problem with rhythm in **kern spine 3 -- pl-cz/kern/pl-cz--ii-298_nowakiewicz-kazimierz--hej-bracia-czy-spicie.krn Error on line: 70: problem with rhythm in **kern spine 8 -- pl-cz/kern/pl-cz--iii-101_danik-jan-ignac--sancte-patrone.krn Error on line: 509: problem with rhythm in **kern spine 3 -- pl-cz/kern/pl-cz--iii-105--001-009_dankowski-adalbert--missa-d-benedictus.krn Error on line: 260: problem with rhythm in **kern spine 1 -- pl-cz/kern/pl-cz--iii-108--001-001_dankowski-adalbert--litaniae-es-kyrie.krn Error on line: 821: problem with rhythm in **kern spine 6 -- pl-cz/kern/pl-cz--iii-110--001-002_dankowski-adalbert--offertorium-ave-gratia-plena.krn Error on line: 1046: problem with rhythm in **kern spine 11 -- pl-cz/kern/pl-cz--iii-111--001-006_dankowski-adalbert--vesperae-d-magnificat.krn Error on line: 139: problem with rhythm in **kern spine 2 -- pl-cz/kern/pl-cz--iii-115--001-004_dankowski-adalbert--missa-es-sanctus.krn Error on line: 120: problem with rhythm in **kern spine 8 -- pl-cz/kern/pl-cz--iii-166--001-001_elsner-jozef--missa-c-op-51-kyrie.krn Error on line: 1150: problem with rhythm in **kern spine 2 -- pl-cz/kern/pl-cz--iii-175_elsner-jozef--veni-sancte-spiritus-in-es-op-8.krn Error on line: 404: problem with rhythm in **kern spine 7 -- pl-cz/kern/pl-cz--iii-184--pc0_elsner-jozef--cantate-domino-pc0.krn Error on line: 828: problem with rhythm in **kern spine 10 -- pl-cz/kern/pl-cz--iii-184--pc1_elsner-jozef--cantate-domino-post-correcturam-pc1.krn Error on line: 831: problem with rhythm in **kern spine 10 -- pl-cz/kern/pl-cz--iii-185_elsner-jozef--inveni-david-e-op-83.krn Error on line: 530: problem with rhythm in **kern spine 1 -- pl-cz/kern/pl-cz--iii-193--001-002_elsner-jozef--missa-b-op-47-gloria.krn Error on line: 645: problem with rhythm in **kern spine 16 -- pl-cz/kern/pl-cz--iii-203--001-001_engel-jan--sinfonia-in-b-allegro.krn Error on line: 483: problem with rhythm in **kern spine 5 -- pl-cz/kern/pl-cz--iii-204--002_engel-jan--offertorium-2.krn Error on line: 426: problem with rhythm in **kern spine 3 -- pl-cz/kern/pl-cz--iii-206--001-003_engel-jan--sinfonia-ex-f-presto.krn Error on line: 326: problem with rhythm in **kern spine 8 -- pl-cz/kern/pl-cz--iii-209_engel-jan--symfonia-in-d.krn Error on line: 2465: problem with rhythm in **kern spine 8 -- pl-cz/kern/pl-cz--iii-246--001-001_gimeshoffer--partita-es-allegro-moderato.krn Error on line: 514: problem with rhythm in **kern spine 1 -- pl-cz/kern/pl-cz--iii-274_gotschalk-filip--salve-regina.krn Error on line: 679: problem with rhythm in **kern spine 3 -- pl-cz/kern/pl-cz--iii-280--001-003_goetz-gieczynski-cyryl--missa-nepomuceno-in-c-credo.krn Error on line: 1518: problem with rhythm in **kern spine 9 -- pl-cz/kern/pl-cz--iii-280--001-005_goetz-gieczynski-cyryl--missa-nepomuceno-in-c-agnus.krn Error on line: 149: problem with rhythm in **kern spine 12 -- pl-cz/kern/pl-cz--iii-31--001-003_bolehovsky-josef--litaniae-virgo-prudentissima.krn Error on line: 196: problem with rhythm in **kern spine 5 -- pl-cz/kern/pl-cz--iii-323--001-005_namieyski-jan--sinfonia-d-allegro.krn Error on line: 593: problem with rhythm in **kern spine 4 -- pl-cz/kern/pl-cz--iii-349--001-005_koperski-maksymilian--msza-b-et-resurrexit.krn Error on line: 205: problem with rhythm in **kern spine 5 -- pl-cz/kern/pl-cz--iii-349--001-008_koperski-maksymilian--msza-b-benedictus.krn Error on line: 234: problem with rhythm in **kern spine 8 -- pl-cz/kern/pl-cz--iii-349--001-009_koperski-maksymilian--msza-b-agnus-dei.krn Error on line: 114: problem with rhythm in **kern spine 4 -- pl-cz/kern/pl-cz--iii-351--001-001_koperski-maksymilian--missa-solemnis-ex-b-kyrie.krn Error on line: 599: problem with rhythm in **kern spine 6 -- pl-cz/kern/pl-cz--iii-351--001-002_koperski-maksymilian--missa-solemnis-ex-b-gloria.krn Error on line: 764: problem with rhythm in **kern spine 13 -- pl-cz/kern/pl-cz--iii-351--001-004_koperski-maksymilian--missa-solemnis-ex-b-et-incarnatus.krn Error on line: 664: problem with rhythm in **kern spine 1 -- pl-cz/kern/pl-cz--iii-351--001-005_koperski-maksymilian--missa-solemnis-ex-b-et-resurrexit.krn Error on line: 279: problem with rhythm in **kern spine 10 -- pl-cz/kern/pl-cz--iii-351--001-008_koperski-maksymilian--missa-solemnis-ex-b-agnus-dei.krn Error on line: 1411: problem with rhythm in **kern spine 5 -- pl-cz/kern/pl-cz--iii-353--001_koperski-maksymilian--pod-twoja-obrone.krn Error on line: 1166: problem with rhythm in **kern spine 15 -- pl-cz/kern/pl-cz--iii-357--001-003_kozlowski-jozef--requiem-tuba-mirrum.krn Error on line: 886: problem with rhythm in **kern spine 9 -- pl-cz/kern/pl-cz--iii-357--001-004_kozlowski-jozef--requiem-judex-ergo.krn Error on line: 80: problem with rhythm in **kern spine 15 -- pl-cz/kern/pl-cz--iii-357--001-005_kozlowski-jozef--requiem-confutatis.krn Error on line: 989: problem with rhythm in **kern spine 9 -- pl-cz/kern/pl-cz--iii-357--001-006_cherubini-luigi--requiem-lacrimosa.krn Error on line: 156: problem with rhythm in **kern spine 4 -- pl-cz/kern/pl-cz--iii-357--001-012_kozlowski-jozef--requiem-requiem.krn Error on line: 314: problem with rhythm in **kern spine 6 -- pl-cz/kern/pl-cz--iii-357--001-013_salieri-antonio--requiem-salve-regina.krn Error on line: 348: problem with rhythm in **kern spine 22 -- pl-cz/kern/pl-cz--iii-39_bogunski-baltazar--ave-maris-stella.krn Error on line: 732: problem with rhythm in **kern spine 6 -- pl-cz/kern/pl-cz--iii-454--001-001_maader-ludwik--litaniae-laurentanae-kyrie.krn Error on line: 955: problem with rhythm in **kern spine 3 -- pl-cz/kern/pl-cz--iii-458--001-001_kuci-mateusz--symfonia-b-allegro.krn Error on line: 622: problem with rhythm in **kern spine 4 -- pl-cz/kern/pl-cz--iii-458--001-003_kuci-mateusz--symfonia-b-allegro.krn Error on line: 501: problem with rhythm in **kern spine 8 -- pl-cz/kern/pl-cz--iii-47--001-010_bulakowski-stefan--msza-as-benedictus.krn Error on line: 649: problem with rhythm in **kern spine 1 -- pl-cz/kern/pl-cz--iii-50--001-001_brykner-jerzy--vesperae-dixit-dominus.krn Error on line: 245: problem with rhythm in **kern spine 1 -- pl-cz/kern/pl-cz--iii-50--001-009_brykner-jerzy--vesperae-lauda-jerusalem.krn Error on line: 260: problem with rhythm in **kern spine 1 -- pl-cz/kern/pl-cz--iii-50--001-014_brykner-jerzy--vesperae-confitebor.krn Error on line: 357: problem with rhythm in **kern spine 4 -- pl-cz/kern/pl-cz--iii-50--001-017_brykner-jerzy--vesperae-magnificat.krn Error on line: 355: problem with rhythm in **kern spine 2 -- pl-cz/kern/pl-cz--iii-536_piotrowski-franciszek--jesu-corona-virginum.krn Error on line: 1144: problem with rhythm in **kern spine 2 -- pl-cz/kern/pl-cz--iii-557--001-001_raszek-waclaw--sinfonia-ex-c-allegro-vivace.krn Error on line: 1018: problem with rhythm in **kern spine 6 -- pl-cz/kern/pl-cz--iii-557--001-003_raszek-waclaw--sinfonia-ex-c-rondo.krn Error on line: 1027: problem with rhythm in **kern spine 4 -- pl-cz/kern/pl-cz--iii-590--001-002_rygall-ignacy--omni-die-dic-mariae-coro-contemplare.krn Error on line: 634: problem with rhythm in **kern spine 3 -- pl-cz/kern/pl-cz--iii-594b--001-006_rzepko-adolf--missa-agnus-dei.krn Error on line: 129: problem with rhythm in **kern spine 1 -- pl-cz/kern/pl-cz--iii-655_stefani-jozef--in-te-domine-speravi.krn Error on line: 923: problem with rhythm in **kern spine 5 -- pl-cz/kern/pl-cz--iii-666--001-002_scigalski-franciszek--missa-in-c-gloria.krn Error on line: 629: problem with rhythm in **kern spine 2 -- pl-cz/kern/pl-cz--iii-666--001-006_scigalski-franciszek--missa-in-c-et-incarnatus.krn Error on line: 567: problem with rhythm in **kern spine 12 -- pl-cz/kern/pl-cz--iii-666--001-011_scigalski-franciszek--missa-in-c-agnus-dei.krn Error on line: 135: problem with rhythm in **kern spine 5 -- pl-cz/kern/pl-cz--iii-668--001-008_scigalski-franciszek--missa-benedictus.krn Error on line: 484: problem with rhythm in **kern spine 8 -- pl-cz/kern/pl-cz--iii-669--001-004_scigalski-franciszek--missa-in-b-quoniam.krn Error on line: 512: problem with rhythm in **kern spine 1 -- pl-cz/kern/pl-cz--iii-669--001-009_scigalski-franciszek--missa-in-b-benedictus.krn Error on line: 961: problem with rhythm in **kern spine 5 -- pl-cz/kern/pl-cz--iii-669--001-010_scigalski-franciszek--missa-in-b-agnus-dei.krn Error on line: 471: problem with rhythm in **kern spine 7 -- pl-cz/kern/pl-cz--iii-680--001-002_volckmer-augustin--missa-in-c-gloria.krn Error on line: 223: problem with rhythm in **kern spine 11 -- pl-cz/kern/pl-cz--iii-680--001-007_volckmer-augustin--missa-in-c-benedictus.krn Error on line: 700: problem with rhythm in **kern spine 4 -- pl-cz/kern/pl-cz--iii-686--001-003_volckmer-augustin--requiem-domine-jesu-christe.krn Error on line: 259: problem with rhythm in **kern spine 4 -- pl-cz/kern/pl-cz--iii-686--001-005_volckmer-augustin--requiem-agnus-dei.krn Error on line: 216: problem with rhythm in **kern spine 6 -- pl-cz/kern/pl-cz--iii-689--001-004_volckmer-augustin--stabat-mater-swieta-matko.krn Error on line: 322: problem with rhythm in **kern spine 9 -- pl-cz/kern/pl-cz--iii-689--001-007_volckmer-augustin--stabat-mater-daj-niech-rany.krn Error on line: 476: problem with rhythm in **kern spine 9 -- pl-cz/kern/pl-cz--iii-689--001-008_volckmer-augustin--stabat-mater-ze-wszech-panien.krn Error on line: 110: problem with rhythm in **kern spine 5 -- pl-cz/kern/pl-cz--iii-691--001-004_volckmer-augustin--litaniae-lauretanae-es-agnus-dei.krn Error on line: 64: problem with rhythm in **kern spine 8 -- pl-cz/kern/pl-cz--iii-692--001-002_volckmer-augustin--miserere-recitativo-amplius-lava-me.krn Error on line: 101: problem with rhythm in **kern spine 1 -- pl-cz/kern/pl-cz--iii-692--001-003_volckmer-augustin--miserere-aria-quoniam.krn Error on line: 865: problem with rhythm in **kern spine 4 -- pl-cz/kern/pl-cz--iii-692--001-004_volckmer-augustin--miserere-aria-asperges-me.krn Error on line: 846: problem with rhythm in **kern spine 7 -- pl-cz/kern/pl-cz--iii-692--001-006_volckmer-augustin--miserere-cor-mundum.krn Error on line: 208: problem with rhythm in **kern spine 5 -- pl-cz/kern/pl-cz--iii-692--001-007_volckmer-augustin--miserere-duetto-docebo-iniquos.krn Error on line: 757: problem with rhythm in **kern spine 6 -- pl-cz/kern/pl-cz--iii-692--001-010-pc0_volckmer-augustin--miserere-aria-sacrificium-deo-pc0.krn Error on line: 595: problem with rhythm in **kern spine 11 -- pl-cz/kern/pl-cz--iii-692--001-010-pc1_volckmer-augustin--miserere-aria-sacrificium-deo-post-correcturam-pc1.krn Error on line: 595: problem with rhythm in **kern spine 11 -- pl-cz/kern/pl-cz--iii-693--001-006_volckmer-augustin--litaniae-lauretanae-a-regina-angelorum.krn Error on line: 369: problem with rhythm in **kern spine 11 -- pl-cz/kern/pl-cz--iii-693--001-007_volckmer-augustin--litaniae-lauretanae-a-agnus-dei.krn Error on line: 105: problem with rhythm in **kern spine 13 -- pl-cz/kern/pl-cz--iii-696--001-001_volckmer-augustin--missa-in-es-kyrie.krn Error on line: 612: problem with rhythm in **kern spine 15 -- pl-cz/kern/pl-cz--iii-696--001-002_volckmer-augustin--missa-in-es-gloria.krn Error on line: 1317: problem with rhythm in **kern spine 9 -- pl-cz/kern/pl-cz--iii-696--001-003_volckmer-augustin--missa-in-es-credo.krn Error on line: 198: problem with rhythm in **kern spine 5 -- pl-cz/kern/pl-cz--iii-696--001-008_volckmer-augustin--missa-in-es-benedictus.krn Error on line: 492: problem with rhythm in **kern spine 12 -- pl-cz/kern/pl-cz--iii-800_brykner-jerzy--laudate-pueri.krn Error on line: 700: problem with rhythm in **kern spine 1 -- pl-cz/kern/pl-cz--iii-830--001-001_raszek-waclaw--sinfonia-d-maestoso.krn Error on line: 68: problem with rhythm in **kern spine 4 -- pl-cz/kern/pl-cz--iii-845--001-001_sloczynski-wojciech--msza-polska-kyrie.krn Error on line: 777: problem with rhythm in **kern spine 1 -- pl-gd/kern/pl-gd--ee-1638--002-027_marenzio-luca--motettorum-pro-festis-totius-anni-in-festo-dedicat-s-mich-archang-princeps-gloriosissime.krn Error on line: 569: problem with rhythm in **kern spine 2 -- pl-gd/kern/pl-gd--ms-joh-406--004-001_mielczewski-marcin--missa-triumphalis-kyrie.krn Error on line: 178: problem with rhythm in **kern spine 21 -- pl-kk/kern/pl-kk--kk-i-1--003-001_anonim--missa-kyrie.krn Error on line: 627: problem with rhythm in **kern spine 3 -- pl-kk/kern/pl-kk--kk-i-1--006-001_morales-cristobal-de--missa-ave-maria-kyrie.krn Error on line: 76: problem with rhythm in **kern spine 3 -- pl-kk/kern/pl-kk--kk-i-10--015_anonim--crudelis-herodes.krn Error on line: 859: problem with rhythm in **kern spine 1 -- pl-kk/kern/pl-kk--kk-i-137--001-002_anonim--caro-mea-qui-manducat.krn Error on line: 127: problem with rhythm in **kern spine 4 -- pl-kk/kern/pl-kk--kk-i-211_mouton-jean--missus-est-gabriel-angelus.krn Error on line: 178: problem with rhythm in **kern spine 1 -- pl-kk/kern/pl-kk--kk-i-218_anonim--o-doctor-optime.krn Error on line: 141: problem with rhythm in **kern spine 5 -- pl-kk/kern/pl-kk--kk-i-262--002_anonim--alleluia-ave-maria.krn Error on line: 269: problem with rhythm in **kern spine 3 -- pl-kk/kern/pl-kk--kk-i-309_anonim--magnificat.krn Error on line: 645: problem with rhythm in **kern spine 4 -- pl-kk/kern/pl-kk--kk-i-357--002_lukaszewicz-maciej--lustra-sex.krn Error on line: 225: problem with rhythm in **kern spine 2 -- pl-kk/kern/pl-kk--kk-i-378_scholenberger--offertorium.krn Error on line: 338: problem with rhythm in **kern spine 3 -- pl-kk/kern/pl-kk--kk-i-382--080-006_richling--msza-na-3-glosy-benedictus.krn Error on line: 143: problem with rhythm in **kern spine 1 -- pl-kk/kern/pl-kk--kk-i-385--001_anonim--tractus.krn Error on line: 239: problem with rhythm in **kern spine 1 -- pl-kk/kern/pl-kk--kk-i-389--007-002_anonim--missa-no-7-kyrie.krn Error on line: 55: problem with rhythm in **kern spine 1 -- pl-kk/kern/pl-kk--kk-i-394--001-003_anonim--missa-credo.krn Error on line: 2006: problem with rhythm in **kern spine 12 -- pl-kk/kern/pl-kk--kk-i-470--001-002_raszek-waclaw--missa-toni-c-gloria.krn Error on line: 1660: problem with rhythm in **kern spine 5 -- pl-kk/kern/pl-kk--kk-i-470--001-006_raszek-waclaw--missa-toni-c-dona-nobis.krn Error on line: 812: problem with rhythm in **kern spine 11 -- pl-kk/kern/pl-kk--kk-i-472--001-001_righini-vincenzo--missa-solemnis-kyrie.krn Error on line: 590: problem with rhythm in **kern spine 6 -- pl-kk/kern/pl-kk--kk-i-472--001-003_righini-vincenzo--missa-solemnis-credo.krn Error on line: 2461: problem with rhythm in **kern spine 4 -- pl-kk/kern/pl-kk--kk-i-473--001-001_kalous-vaclav--missa-solemnis-kyrie.krn Error on line: 91: problem with rhythm in **kern spine 5 -- pl-kk/kern/pl-kk--kk-i-473--001-008_kalous-vaclav--missa-solemnis-dona.krn Error on line: 215: problem with rhythm in **kern spine 1 -- pl-kk/kern/pl-kk--kk-i-477--001-011_vogel--missa-solemnis-agnus.krn Error on line: 918: problem with rhythm in **kern spine 9 -- pl-kk/kern/pl-kk--kk-i-478--001-001-pc0_vogel--missa-kyrie-pc0.krn Error on line: 816: problem with rhythm in **kern spine 12 -- pl-kk/kern/pl-kk--kk-i-478--001-001-pc1_vogel--missa-kyrie-post-correcturam-1-pc1.krn Error on line: 838: problem with rhythm in **kern spine 2 -- pl-kk/kern/pl-kk--kk-i-478--001-001-pc2_vogel--missa-kyrie-post-correcturam-2-pc2.krn Error on line: 837: problem with rhythm in **kern spine 2 -- pl-kk/kern/pl-kk--kk-i-478--001-002-pc0-ac0_vogel--missa-gloria-pc0-ac0.krn Error on line: 846: problem with rhythm in **kern spine 1 -- pl-kk/kern/pl-kk--kk-i-478--001-002-pc0-ac1_vogel--missa-gloria-alternative-cadence-pc0-ac1.krn Error on line: 847: problem with rhythm in **kern spine 1 -- pl-kk/kern/pl-kk--kk-i-478--001-002-pc1-ac1_vogel--missa-gloria-post-correcturam-alternative-cadence-pc1-ac1.krn Error on line: 845: problem with rhythm in **kern spine 1 -- pl-kk/kern/pl-kk--kk-i-478--001-004_vogel--missa-sanctus.krn Error on line: 1447: problem with rhythm in **kern spine 9 -- pl-kk/kern/pl-kk--kk-i-478--001-006_vogel--missa-dona-nobis.krn Error on line: 224: problem with rhythm in **kern spine 11 -- pl-kk/kern/pl-kk--kk-i-482--001-002_zieleniewicz-mathias--msza-isza-gloria.krn Error on line: 534: problem with rhythm in **kern spine 1 -- pl-kk/kern/pl-kk--kk-i-514--001-004_hofmann-leopold--motetto-alleluja.krn Error on line: 270: problem with rhythm in **kern spine 10 -- pl-kk/kern/pl-kk--kk-i-6--005_anonim--vultum-tuum.krn Error on line: 443: problem with rhythm in **kern spine 3 -- pl-kk/kern/pl-kk--kk-i-62--001-002_anonim--missa-gloria.krn Error on line: 628: problem with rhythm in **kern spine 5 -- pl-kk/kern/pl-kk--kk-i-67--001-002_anonim--missa-et-in-terra.krn Error on line: 440: problem with rhythm in **kern spine 3 -- pl-kk/kern/pl-kk--kk-i-77_anonim--et-in-terra-pax.krn Error on line: 303: problem with rhythm in **kern spine 2 -- pl-kk/kern/pl-kk--kk-i-8--007_anonim--salve-mundi-domina.krn Error on line: 434: problem with rhythm in **kern spine 4 -- pl-kk/kern/pl-kk--kk-i-8--010_anonim--audi-benigne-conditor.krn Error on line: 361: problem with rhythm in **kern spine 1 -- pl-kk/kern/pl-kk--kk-i-8--027_anonim--sicut-cedrus-exaltata.krn Error on line: 494: problem with rhythm in **kern spine 2 -- pl-kk/kern/pl-kk--kk-i-8--039_anonim--rex-sempiterne-caelitum-rerum.krn Error on line: 187: problem with rhythm in **kern spine 3 -- pl-kozmzk/kern/pl-kozmzk--mzk-m-159--001-007_walczynski-franciszek--praeludia-organi-op-5-7-adagio.krn Error on line: 73: problem with rhythm in **kern spine 3 -- pl-kozmzk/kern/pl-kozmzk--mzk-m-159--001-051_walczynski-franciszek--praeludia-organi-op-5-51-grave.krn Error on line: 58: problem with rhythm in **kern spine 4 -- pl-kozmzk/kern/pl-kozmzk--mzk-m-26--001-002_stefani-jozef--msza-swieta-gloria.krn Error on line: 166: problem with rhythm in **kern spine 3 -- pl-kozmzk/kern/pl-kozmzk--mzk-m-346--001-025_walczynski-franciszek--cantantibus-organis-op-10-25-andante-sostenuto.krn Error on line: 101: problem with rhythm in **kern spine 3 -- pl-sa/kern/pl-sa--105-a-iii-5--002_de-majo-gian-francesco--pastorella-1ma-ave-maris-stella.krn Error on line: 984: problem with rhythm in **kern spine 4 -- pl-sa/kern/pl-sa--136-a-iii-36--001-001_marescalchi-luigi--sinfonia-ex-b-allegro.krn Error on line: 465: problem with rhythm in **kern spine 5 -- pl-sa/kern/pl-sa--152-a-iv-2--001-002_bauer--missa-in-f-gloria.krn Error on line: 157: problem with rhythm in **kern spine 4 -- pl-sa/kern/pl-sa--154-a-iv-4--001-002_anonim--missa-gloria.krn Error on line: 388: problem with rhythm in **kern spine 4 -- pl-sa/kern/pl-sa--155-a-iv-5--001-003_luna-georgius--vesperae-in-d-beatus-vir.krn Error on line: 758: problem with rhythm in **kern spine 4 -- pl-sa/kern/pl-sa--159-a-iv-9--001-001_luna-georgius--vesperae-ex-d-dixit-dominus.krn Error on line: 433: problem with rhythm in **kern spine 5 -- pl-sa/kern/pl-sa--159-a-iv-9--001-005_luna-georgius--vesperae-ex-d-lauda-jerusalem.krn Error on line: 273: problem with rhythm in **kern spine 4 -- pl-sa/kern/pl-sa--162-a-iv-12--001-001_luna-georgius--vesperae-dixit-dominus.krn Error on line: 931: problem with rhythm in **kern spine 6 -- pl-sa/kern/pl-sa--162-a-iv-12--001-003_luna-georgius--vesperae-beatus-vir.krn Error on line: 816: problem with rhythm in **kern spine 8 -- pl-sa/kern/pl-sa--162-a-iv-12--001-006_luna-georgius--vesperae-magnificat.krn Error on line: 1438: problem with rhythm in **kern spine 6 -- pl-sa/kern/pl-sa--165-a-iv-15--001-002_staromiejski-j--vesperae-de-sanctis-ex-c-dixit-dominus.krn Error on line: 183: problem with rhythm in **kern spine 5 -- pl-sa/kern/pl-sa--165-a-iv-15--001-006_staromiejski-j--vesperae-de-sanctis-ex-c-laudate-dominum.krn Error on line: 329: problem with rhythm in **kern spine 3 -- pl-sa/kern/pl-sa--168-a-iv-18--001-004_luna-georgius--missa-sanctus.krn Error on line: 157: problem with rhythm in **kern spine 1 -- pl-sa/kern/pl-sa--177-a-v-7--001-002_luna-georgius--missa-ex-d-kyrie.krn Error on line: 52: problem with rhythm in **kern spine 8 -- pl-sa/kern/pl-sa--177-a-v-7--001-003_luna-georgius--missa-ex-d-gloria.krn Error on line: 1058: problem with rhythm in **kern spine 8 -- pl-sa/kern/pl-sa--177-a-v-7--001-004_luna-georgius--missa-ex-d-patrem.krn Error on line: 288: problem with rhythm in **kern spine 4 -- pl-sa/kern/pl-sa--18-a-i-18--001_barcicki-jan--polonaisso-no-1.krn Error on line: 271: problem with rhythm in **kern spine 2 -- pl-sa/kern/pl-sa--189-a-v-19--001-003_luna-georgius--missa-in-d-credo.krn Error on line: 347: problem with rhythm in **kern spine 2 -- pl-sa/kern/pl-sa--193-a-v-23--001-002_pausch-eugen--missa-in-c-gloria.krn Error on line: 266: problem with rhythm in **kern spine 8 -- pl-sa/kern/pl-sa--193-a-v-23--001-003_pausch-eugen--missa-in-c-credo.krn Error on line: 87: problem with rhythm in **kern spine 2 -- pl-sa/kern/pl-sa--193-a-v-23--001-007_pausch-eugen--missa-in-c-dona.krn Error on line: 166: problem with rhythm in **kern spine 3 -- pl-sa/kern/pl-sa--197-a-vi-1--001-005_anonim--requiem-es-sanctus.krn Error on line: 119: problem with rhythm in **kern spine 3 -- pl-sa/kern/pl-sa--203-a-vi-7--001_ruth-christian-joseph--scholastica-venerabilis.krn Error on line: 598: problem with rhythm in **kern spine 5 -- pl-sa/kern/pl-sa--203-a-vi-7--002_ruth-christian-joseph--sub-tuum-praesidium.krn Error on line: 176: problem with rhythm in **kern spine 5 -- pl-sa/kern/pl-sa--216-a-vi-20_rhein-carolo-de--salve-regina.krn Error on line: 528: problem with rhythm in **kern spine 5 -- pl-sa/kern/pl-sa--218-a-vi-22--001_hasse-johann-adolf--mihi-vivere-christus-est.krn Error on line: 794: problem with rhythm in **kern spine 1 -- pl-sa/kern/pl-sa--221-a-vi-25--002_hasse-johann-adolf--virgo-gaude.krn Error on line: 100: problem with rhythm in **kern spine 1 -- pl-sa/kern/pl-sa--222-a-vi-26--001_brixi-viktorin--eia-chori-exsultate.krn Error on line: 392: problem with rhythm in **kern spine 12 -- pl-sa/kern/pl-sa--222-a-vi-26--002_loos-karel--levavi-osculos-meos.krn Error on line: 127: problem with rhythm in **kern spine 7 -- pl-sa/kern/pl-sa--228-a-vi-32--001-007_luna-georgius--litania-ex-d-mater-amabilis.krn Error on line: 443: problem with rhythm in **kern spine 4 -- pl-sa/kern/pl-sa--228-a-vi-32--001-011_luna-georgius--litania-ex-d-salus-infirmorum.krn Error on line: 71: problem with rhythm in **kern spine 4 -- pl-sa/kern/pl-sa--230-a-vi-34--001-001_luna-georgius--litania-simphonia.krn Error on line: 456: problem with rhythm in **kern spine 2 -- pl-sa/kern/pl-sa--231-a-vi-35--001-001_anonim--litania-sinfonia.krn Error on line: 360: problem with rhythm in **kern spine 7 -- pl-sa/kern/pl-sa--231-a-vi-35--001-006_anonim--litania-speculum-iustitiae.krn Error on line: 359: problem with rhythm in **kern spine 3 -- pl-sa/kern/pl-sa--236-a-vi-40--001-001_toeschi-carl-joseph--sinfonia-allegro.krn Error on line: 731: problem with rhythm in **kern spine 2 -- pl-sa/kern/pl-sa--239-a-vi-43--001-002_naumann-johann-gottlieb--synphonia-in-d-andante.krn Error on line: 338: problem with rhythm in **kern spine 1 -- pl-sa/kern/pl-sa--240-a-vi-44--001-003_sacchini-antonio--symphonia-toni-d-allegro.krn Error on line: 394: problem with rhythm in **kern spine 1 -- pl-sa/kern/pl-sa--248-a-vii-8_szarzynski-stanislaw-sylwester--veni-sancte-spiritus.krn Error on line: 435: problem with rhythm in **kern spine 4 -- pl-sa/kern/pl-sa--249-a-vii-9_wronowicz-maciej-h--lauda-sion-salvatorem.krn Error on line: 480: problem with rhythm in **kern spine 5 -- pl-sa/kern/pl-sa--25-a-i-25--001-001_luna-georgius--vesperae-dixit-dominus.krn Error on line: 89: problem with rhythm in **kern spine 2 -- pl-sa/kern/pl-sa--25-a-i-25--001-002_luna-georgius--vesperae-confitebor.krn Error on line: 728: problem with rhythm in **kern spine 2 -- pl-sa/kern/pl-sa--25-a-i-25--001-004_luna-georgius--vesperae-laudate-pueri.krn Error on line: 478: problem with rhythm in **kern spine 2 -- pl-sa/kern/pl-sa--27-a-i-27--001-003_dankowski-adalbert--vespere-de-confessore-confitebor.krn Error on line: 529: problem with rhythm in **kern spine 4 -- pl-sa/kern/pl-sa--270-a-vii-30--001-001_hermanowski-a--planctus-de-passione-placz-kto-zyw.krn Error on line: 516: problem with rhythm in **kern spine 4 -- pl-sa/kern/pl-sa--274-a-vii-34--001_zajaczkowski-roman--rorate-caeli.krn Error on line: 461: problem with rhythm in **kern spine 2 -- pl-sa/kern/pl-sa--275-a-vii-35--001-002_m-m--ave-regina-caelorum-ave-regina-caelorum.krn Error on line: 508: problem with rhythm in **kern spine 3 -- pl-sa/kern/pl-sa--279-a-vii-39--001-003_rathgeber-johann-valentin--vesperae-laetatus-sum.krn Error on line: 739: problem with rhythm in **kern spine 3 -- pl-sa/kern/pl-sa--28-a-i-28--001_hasse-johann-adolf--leucippo-aria-1.krn Error on line: 190: problem with rhythm in **kern spine 5 -- pl-sa/kern/pl-sa--281-a-vii-41_brentner-johann-joseph-ignaz--gaudete-ridete-mortales.krn Error on line: 129: problem with rhythm in **kern spine 5 -- pl-sa/kern/pl-sa--289-a-vii-49_lechleitner-ferdinand-simon--diffusa-est-gratia.krn Error on line: 1147: problem with rhythm in **kern spine 2 -- pl-sa/kern/pl-sa--29-a-i-29--001-002_konigsperger-marianus--vesperae-ex-d-dixit-dominus.krn Error on line: 76: problem with rhythm in **kern spine 4 -- pl-sa/kern/pl-sa--290-a-vii-50--001-003_lechleitner-ferdinand-simon--missa-s-luciae-patrem.krn Error on line: 642: problem with rhythm in **kern spine 8 -- pl-sa/kern/pl-sa--290-a-vii-50--001-006_lechleitner-ferdinand-simon--missa-s-luciae-agnus-dei.krn Error on line: 76: problem with rhythm in **kern spine 2 -- pl-sa/kern/pl-sa--291-a-vii-51--001-002_lechleitner-ferdinand-simon--psalmodia-laetatus.krn Error on line: 285: problem with rhythm in **kern spine 7 -- pl-sa/kern/pl-sa--291-a-vii-51--001-004_lechleitner-ferdinand-simon--psalmodia-lauda-jerusalem.krn Error on line: 461: problem with rhythm in **kern spine 6 -- pl-sa/kern/pl-sa--3-a-i-3--001-001_binder-christlieb-siegmund--missa-ex-c-kyrie.krn Error on line: 575: problem with rhythm in **kern spine 4 -- pl-sa/kern/pl-sa--301-a-vii-61_lechleitner-ferdinand-simon--offertorium-de-ss-trinitate.krn Error on line: 120: problem with rhythm in **kern spine 1 -- pl-sa/kern/pl-sa--305-a-vii-65--001-002_lechleitner-ferdinand-simon--vespere-dixit-dominus.krn Error on line: 143: problem with rhythm in **kern spine 4 -- pl-sa/kern/pl-sa--36-a-i-36--001-003_maldere-pierre-van--symphonia-ex-d-vivace.krn Error on line: 70: problem with rhythm in **kern spine 2 -- pl-sa/kern/pl-sa--39-a-i-39--002_lampugnani-giovanni-battista--lauda-sion-salvatorem.krn Error on line: 275: problem with rhythm in **kern spine 3 -- pl-sa/kern/pl-sa--398-a-viii--001-003_luna-georgius--missa-solemnis-credo.krn Error on line: 1034: problem with rhythm in **kern spine 7 -- pl-sa/kern/pl-sa--403-a-viii--001-001_ziegler--symphonia-ex-c-allegro-molto.krn Error on line: 300: problem with rhythm in **kern spine 4 -- pl-sa/kern/pl-sa--439-a-viii-79_fischietti-giovanni--lauda-sion-salvatorem.krn Error on line: 146: problem with rhythm in **kern spine 4 -- pl-sa/kern/pl-sa--446-a-viii-86--001_anonim--te-amare-jesu.krn Error on line: 850: problem with rhythm in **kern spine 1 -- pl-sa/kern/pl-sa--481-a-viii-121--003_pleyel-ignace--rondo-allegro.krn Error on line: 49: problem with rhythm in **kern spine 2 -- pl-sa/kern/pl-sa--481-a-viii-121--010_pleyel-ignace--menuetto.krn Error on line: 102: problem with rhythm in **kern spine 1 -- pl-sa/kern/pl-sa--481-a-viii-121--015_winter-peter-von--march.krn Error on line: 104: problem with rhythm in **kern spine 2 -- pl-sa/kern/pl-sa--481-a-viii-121--016_anonim--valc.krn Error on line: 273: problem with rhythm in **kern spine 2 -- pl-sa/kern/pl-sa--481-a-viii-121--020_anonim--rondo.krn Error on line: 786: problem with rhythm in **kern spine 1 -- pl-sa/kern/pl-sa--481-a-viii-121--042_anonim--duma.krn Error on line: 66: problem with rhythm in **kern spine 3 -- pl-sa/kern/pl-sa--497-a-viii-137--001-003_anonim--nihil-est-in-mundo-aria.krn Error on line: 450: problem with rhythm in **kern spine 2 -- pl-sa/kern/pl-sa--50-a-i-50--002_anonim--ad-festum-volate.krn Error on line: 1195: problem with rhythm in **kern spine 7 -- pl-sa/kern/pl-sa--549-a-ix-29--023_anonim--rondo-pastorale.krn Error on line: 796: problem with rhythm in **kern spine 2 -- pl-sa/kern/pl-sa--55-a-i-55--001-003_wanski-jan--missa-solemnissima-gloria.krn Error on line: 216: problem with rhythm in **kern spine 3 -- pl-sa/kern/pl-sa--552-a-ix-32--001_anonim--polonez.krn Error on line: 336: problem with rhythm in **kern spine 2 -- pl-sa/kern/pl-sa--552-a-ix-32--040_anonim--valtz.krn Error on line: 92: problem with rhythm in **kern spine 2 -- pl-sa/kern/pl-sa--560-a-ix-40_stolpe-alojzy--polonez.krn Error on line: 676: problem with rhythm in **kern spine 1 -- pl-sa/kern/pl-sa--58-a-i-58--001-003_lechleitner-ferdinand-simon--vesperae-in-f-confitebor.krn Error on line: 466: problem with rhythm in **kern spine 5 -- pl-sa/kern/pl-sa--58-a-i-58--001-007_lechleitner-ferdinand-simon--vesperae-in-f-magnificat.krn Error on line: 323: problem with rhythm in **kern spine 7 -- pl-sa/kern/pl-sa--597-a-ix-77--003_anonim--walc-no-2.krn Error on line: 239: problem with rhythm in **kern spine 2 -- pl-sa/kern/pl-sa--61-a-ii-1--001_hasse-johann-adolf--veni-dilecta-veni-electa.krn Error on line: 1525: problem with rhythm in **kern spine 5 -- pl-sa/kern/pl-sa--61-a-ii-1--002_bencini--justus-ut-palma.krn Error on line: 394: problem with rhythm in **kern spine 4 -- pl-sa/kern/pl-sa--63-a-ii-3--001-001-dublet_anonim--sinfonia-in-g-allegro-dublet-dublet.krn Error on line: 575: problem with rhythm in **kern spine 5 -- pl-sa/kern/pl-sa--63-a-ii-3--001-001_neumann--sinfonia-in-g-allegro.krn Error on line: 785: problem with rhythm in **kern spine 5 -- pl-sa/kern/pl-sa--67-a-ii-7--001-004_haydn-joseph--cassatio-in-es-presto.krn Error on line: 481: problem with rhythm in **kern spine 4 -- pl-sa/kern/pl-sa--68-a-ii-8--001-009_mrozowski-tadeusz--missa-ex-g-presto.krn Error on line: 300: problem with rhythm in **kern spine 2 -- pl-sa/kern/pl-sa--70-a-ii-10--001-004_pergolesi-giovanni-battista--stabat-mater-quae-moerebat.krn Error on line: 444: problem with rhythm in **kern spine 5 -- pl-sa/kern/pl-sa--70-a-ii-10--001-005_pergolesi-giovanni-battista--stabat-mater-quis-est-homo-pro-peccatis.krn Error on line: 248: problem with rhythm in **kern spine 3 -- pl-sa/kern/pl-sa--70-a-ii-10--001-006_pergolesi-giovanni-battista--stabat-mater-vidit-suum.krn Error on line: 203: problem with rhythm in **kern spine 4 -- pl-sa/kern/pl-sa--70-a-ii-10--001-010_pergolesi-giovanni-battista--stabat-mater-fac-ut-portem.krn Error on line: 317: problem with rhythm in **kern spine 5 -- pl-sa/kern/pl-sa--70-a-ii-10--001-011_pergolesi-giovanni-battista--stabat-mater-inflammatus.krn Error on line: 209: problem with rhythm in **kern spine 3 -- pl-sa/kern/pl-sa--78-a-ii-18--001-008_kraus-lambert--requiem-ex-dis-agnus-dei.krn Error on line: 337: problem with rhythm in **kern spine 4 -- pl-sa/kern/pl-sa--9-a-i-9--001-003_haydn-joseph--cassatio-in-g-adagio.krn Error on line: 73: problem with rhythm in **kern spine 3 -- pl-sa/kern/pl-sa--90-a-ii-30--001-002_brixi-frantisek-xaver--missa-in-d-gloria.krn Error on line: 201: problem with rhythm in **kern spine 4 -- pl-sa/kern/pl-sa--93-a-ii-33--001-004_pleyel-ignace--grande-sinfonie-in-d-rondo.krn Error on line: 245: problem with rhythm in **kern spine 5 -- pl-sa/kern/pl-sa--95-a-ii-35--010_anonim--domum-tuam-sanctum-numen.krn Error on line: 290: problem with rhythm in **kern spine 1 -- pl-sa/kern/pl-sa--96-a-ii-36--001_hasse-johann-adolf--o-mater-intercede.krn Error on line: 339: problem with rhythm in **kern spine 3 -- pl-sa/kern/pl-sa--l-1636--078_anonim--fuga.krn Error on line: 360: problem with rhythm in **kern spine 1 -- pl-sa/kern/pl-sa--l-1636--115_anonim--credo.krn Error on line: 58: problem with rhythm in **kern spine 1 -- pl-sa/kern/pl-sa--l-1643--048_anonim--benedicite-omnia-opera-domini.krn Error on line: 376: problem with rhythm in **kern spine 1 -- pl-stab/kern/pl-stab--10a--001-002_rodowski-aleksander--litanie-lauretane-de-b-v-m-pater-de-caelis.krn Error on line: 1125: problem with rhythm in **kern spine 6 -- pl-stab/kern/pl-stab--10e--001-003_zebrowski-marcin-jozef--vespere-ex-d-gloria-patri.krn Error on line: 749: problem with rhythm in **kern spine 6 -- pl-stab/kern/pl-stab--10e--001-004_zebrowski-marcin-jozef--vespere-ex-d-magnificat.krn Error on line: 437: problem with rhythm in **kern spine 4 -- pl-stab/kern/pl-stab--77a--001-003_wygrzywalski-jozef--msza-credo.krn Error on line: 541: problem with rhythm in **kern spine 9 -- pl-stab/kern/pl-stab--7a--001-002_matuszkiewicz-franciszek--sinphonia-ex-b-andante.krn Error on line: 317: problem with rhythm in **kern spine 3 -- pl-stab/kern/pl-stab--9b--001-004_rodowski-aleksander--vespere-de-confessoribus-laudate-pueri.krn Error on line: 769: problem with rhythm in **kern spine 3 -- pl-wn/kern/pl-wn--mus-103-1-3_zarebski-juliusz--uwertura-do-opery-marya-malczewskiego.krn Error on line: 2563: problem with rhythm in **kern spine 1 -- pl-wn/kern/pl-wn--mus-246_zelenski-wladyslaw--czy-pamietasz.krn Error on line: 123: problem with rhythm in **kern spine 2 -- pl-wn/kern/pl-wn--mus-iii-65-947-cim--001-022_sowinski-wojciech--swiety-wojciech-meczennik-no-20-mysliwcy-recitativo-i-chor.krn Error on line: 974: problem with rhythm in **kern spine 6 -- pl-wn/kern/pl-wn--mus-iii-69-873_zelenski-wladyslaw--romance-danse-fantastique-op-29-nr-1-romance.krn Error on line: 888: problem with rhythm in **kern spine 3 -- pl-wn/kern/pl-wn--rps-14420-iv_zelenski-wladyslaw--kantata-na-czesc-kosciuszki.krn Error on line: 2847: problem with rhythm in **kern spine 6 -- pl-wn/kern/pl-wn--sd-xvi-qu-273--001-059_gomolka-mikolaj--melodiae-na-psalterz-polski-lix-boze-ktory-slug-nigdy-nie-przepomnisz-swoich.krn Error on line: 67: problem with rhythm in **kern spine 2 -- pl-wn/kern/pl-wn--sd-xvi-qu-273--001-124_gomolka-mikolaj--melodiae-na-psalterz-polski-cxxiv-by-byl-pan-nie-tak-laskaw-na-nasze-zdrowie.krn Error on line: 80: problem with rhythm in **kern spine 2 -- pl-wnifc/kern/pl-wnifc--3111-n--001-003_sowinski-wojciech--grandes-etudes-de-concert-op-60-etude-de-cadence-brisee.krn Error on line: 1494: problem with rhythm in **kern spine 1 -- pl-wtm/kern/pl-wtm--r-1007_kurpinski-karol-kazimierz--concert-pour-la-clarinette.krn Error on line: 2082: problem with rhythm in **kern spine 7 -- pl-wtm/kern/pl-wtm--r-1024-2_kurpinski-karol-kazimierz--polonez.krn Error on line: 169: problem with rhythm in **kern spine 4 -- pl-wtm/kern/pl-wtm--r-1029-1_kurpinski-karol-kazimierz--taniec-polski.krn Error on line: 453: problem with rhythm in **kern spine 6 -- pl-wtm/kern/pl-wtm--r-130-m--001-003_moniuszko-stanislaw--msza-es-dur-gratias.krn Error on line: 307: problem with rhythm in **kern spine 16 -- pl-wtm/kern/pl-wtm--r-130-m--001-007_moniuszko-stanislaw--msza-es-dur-agnus-dei.krn Error on line: 477: problem with rhythm in **kern spine 9 -- pl-wtm/kern/pl-wtm--r-1342_stefani-jozef--mazur-g-nr-1.krn Error on line: 405: problem with rhythm in **kern spine 2 -- pl-wtm/kern/pl-wtm--r-1352_stefani-jozef--uwertura-i-wyjatki-z-baletu-igraszki-kupidyna.krn Error on line: 1827: problem with rhythm in **kern spine 2 -- pl-wtm/kern/pl-wtm--r-139-m_moniuszko-stanislaw--paria-hymn-do-bostwa-milosci.krn Error on line: 1517: problem with rhythm in **kern spine 2 -- pl-wtm/kern/pl-wtm--r-141-m_moniuszko-stanislaw--paria-hymn-do-boga.krn Error on line: 460: problem with rhythm in **kern spine 2 -- pl-wtm/kern/pl-wtm--r-1432--001-001_stefani-jozef--quartetto-allegro-moderato.krn Error on line: 767: problem with rhythm in **kern spine 4 -- pl-wtm/kern/pl-wtm--r-1432--001-002_stefani-jozef--quartetto-adagio.krn Error on line: 1257: problem with rhythm in **kern spine 4 -- pl-wtm/kern/pl-wtm--r-1440_stefani-jozef--aria-buffa-z-operetki-piorun.krn Error on line: 402: problem with rhythm in **kern spine 3 -- pl-wtm/kern/pl-wtm--r-1519--001-001_stefani-jozef--naszych-pol-biednych-chat-andantino.krn Error on line: 344: problem with rhythm in **kern spine 3 -- pl-wtm/kern/pl-wtm--r-1542--001-007_stefani-jozef--msza-in-es-no-3-benedictus.krn Error on line: 941: problem with rhythm in **kern spine 12 -- pl-wtm/kern/pl-wtm--r-1543--001-007_stefani-jozef--msza-in-f-agnus-dei.krn Error on line: 119: problem with rhythm in **kern spine 1 -- pl-wtm/kern/pl-wtm--r-1555--001-005_stefani-jozef--msza-no-14-offertorium.krn Error on line: 867: problem with rhythm in **kern spine 17 -- pl-wtm/kern/pl-wtm--r-1556--001-003_stefani-jozef--msza-no-15-credo.krn Error on line: 1600: problem with rhythm in **kern spine 13 -- pl-wtm/kern/pl-wtm--r-1564--001-006_stefani-jozef--stabat-mater-adagio.krn Error on line: 297: problem with rhythm in **kern spine 3 -- pl-wtm/kern/pl-wtm--r-1672_stefani-jozef--marsz-zalobny.krn Error on line: 211: problem with rhythm in **kern spine 6 -- pl-wtm/kern/pl-wtm--r-1697_stefani-jozef--obertas-do-baletu-wesele-w-ojcowie.krn Error on line: 442: problem with rhythm in **kern spine 8 -- pl-wtm/kern/pl-wtm--r-1710_stefani-jozef--mazur-no-22.krn Error on line: 165: problem with rhythm in **kern spine 11 -- pl-wtm/kern/pl-wtm--r-1716_stefani-jozef--wielki-mazur-do-baletu-wieslaw-i-wanda.krn Error on line: 1322: problem with rhythm in **kern spine 11 -- pl-wtm/kern/pl-wtm--r-1719_stefani-jozef--ten-moj-ostatni.krn Error on line: 764: problem with rhythm in **kern spine 17 -- pl-wtm/kern/pl-wtm--r-1738_stefani-jozef--nouveau-divertissement.krn Error on line: 733: problem with rhythm in **kern spine 1 -- pl-wtm/kern/pl-wtm--r-1740-m--001-002_moniuszko-stanislaw--sonety-krymskie-cisza-morska.krn Error on line: 346: problem with rhythm in **kern spine 1 -- pl-wtm/kern/pl-wtm--r-1740-m--001-006_moniuszko-stanislaw--sonety-krymskie-ruiny.krn Error on line: 313: problem with rhythm in **kern spine 6 -- pl-wtm/kern/pl-wtm--r-1740-m--002-003_moniuszko-stanislaw--sonety-krymskie-zegluga.krn Error on line: 110: problem with rhythm in **kern spine 2 -- pl-wtm/kern/pl-wtm--r-2007--001-002_smietanski-emil-wladyslaw--sonate-op-2-larghetto.krn Error on line: 251: problem with rhythm in **kern spine 1 -- pl-wtm/kern/pl-wtm--r-2026--001-001_smietanski-emil-wladyslaw--trio-molto-allegro.krn Error on line: 3236: problem with rhythm in **kern spine 4 -- pl-wtm/kern/pl-wtm--r-2034_smietanski-emil-wladyslaw--allegro-molto.krn Error on line: 217: problem with rhythm in **kern spine 2 -- pl-wtm/kern/pl-wtm--r-2040--001_smietanski-emil-wladyslaw--graziella.krn Error on line: 281: problem with rhythm in **kern spine 2 -- pl-wtm/kern/pl-wtm--r-238-m_moniuszko-stanislaw--maciek.krn Error in rhythm on line: 1255 Error on line: 1255: problem with rhythm in spine 3 -- pl-wtm/kern/pl-wtm--r-2513_hertz-michal--scherzo.krn Error on line: 1560: problem with rhythm in **kern spine 2 -- pl-wtm/kern/pl-wtm--r-258-m--001-004_moniuszko-stanislaw--msza-credo.krn Error on line: 659: problem with rhythm in **kern spine 1 -- pl-wtm/kern/pl-wtm--r-263-m_moniuszko-stanislaw--sub-tuum-praesidium.krn Error on line: 1125: problem with rhythm in **kern spine 1 -- pl-wtm/kern/pl-wtm--r-275-m--001-004_moniuszko-stanislaw--pienia-zalobne-sanctus.krn Error on line: 482: problem with rhythm in **kern spine 1 -- pl-wtm/kern/pl-wtm--r-291-m_moniuszko-stanislaw--polonez-koncertowy.krn Error on line: 2621: problem with rhythm in **kern spine 21 -- pl-wtm/kern/pl-wtm--r-325-m--001-004_moniuszko-stanislaw--kontredanse-na-4-rece-fig-4.krn Error on line: 247: problem with rhythm in **kern spine 4 -- pl-wtm/kern/pl-wtm--r-326-m_moniuszko-stanislaw--wznos-sie-duszo-nad-gwar-ziemi.krn Error on line: 50: problem with rhythm in **kern spine 2 -- pl-wtm/kern/pl-wtm--r-328-m--001-008_moniuszko-stanislaw--kupiec-wenecki-no-8.krn Error on line: 58: problem with rhythm in **kern spine 6 -- pl-wtm/kern/pl-wtm--r-329-m_moniuszko-stanislaw--straszny-dwor-polonez-miecznika.krn Error on line: 654: problem with rhythm in **kern spine 2 -- pl-wtm/kern/pl-wtm--r-612-m--001-004_moniuszko-stanislaw--libella-albo-zemsta-owadu-no-14.krn Error on line: 968: problem with rhythm in **kern spine 13 -- pl-wtm/kern/pl-wtm--r-690-m--001-004_moniuszko-stanislaw--sonety-krymskie-piesn-mlodziencza.krn Error on line: 447: problem with rhythm in **kern spine 11 -- pl-wtm/kern/pl-wtm--r-692-m--001-005_moniuszko-stanislaw--sonety-krymskie-ostatni-sonet.krn Error on line: 169: problem with rhythm in **kern spine 1 -- pl-wtm/kern/pl-wtm--r-711-m--001-003_moniuszko-stanislaw--litania-ostrobramska-ora-pro-nobis.krn Error on line: 482: problem with rhythm in **kern spine 3 -- pl-wtm/kern/pl-wtm--r-730-2-m_moniuszko-stanislaw--mazurek.krn Error on line: 241: problem with rhythm in **kern spine 2 -- pl-wtm/kern/pl-wtm--r-730-21-m_moniuszko-stanislaw--niepewnosc.krn Error on line: 191: problem with rhythm in **kern spine 1 -- pl-wtm/kern/pl-wtm--r-730-7-m--002_moniuszko-stanislaw--walc.krn Error on line: 281: problem with rhythm in **kern spine 2 -- pl-wtm/kern/pl-wtm--r-730-9-m_moniuszko-stanislaw--wczoraj-zyjac-twem-spoyrzeniem.krn Error on line: 110: problem with rhythm in **kern spine 3 -- pl-wtm/kern/pl-wtm--r-759-m--001-005_moniuszko-stanislaw--studia-berlinskie-iii-finale.krn Error on line: 999: problem with rhythm in **kern spine 3 -- pl-wtm/kern/pl-wtm--r-759-m--001-006_moniuszko-stanislaw--studia-berlinskie-iii-schluss-chor.krn Error on line: 46: problem with rhythm in **kern spine 3 -- pl-wtm/kern/pl-wtm--r-909-m--001-002_moniuszko-stanislaw--witolorauda-2.krn Error on line: 130: problem with rhythm in **kern spine 3 -- pl-wtm/kern/pl-wtm--r-910-m--001-001_moniuszko-stanislaw--litania-ostrobramska-kyrie.krn Error on line: 694: problem with rhythm in **kern spine 4 -- pl-wtm/kern/pl-wtm--r-910-m--001-002_moniuszko-stanislaw--litania-ostrobramska-christe-audi-nos.krn Error on line: 740: problem with rhythm in **kern spine 3 -- pl-wumfc/kern/pl-wumfc--n2100--001-023_dobrzynski-ignacy-feliks--monbar-czyli-flibustierowie-partytura-fortepianowa-akt-iii-21-finale.krn Error on line: 1115: problem with rhythm in **kern spine 12 -- pl-wumfc/kern/pl-wumfc--n26882--001-003_paderewski-ignacy-jan--manru-dritter-akt-i-scene-nr-30-moderato.krn Error on line: 719: problem with rhythm in **kern spine 6 -- s-uu/kern/s-uu--vok-mus-i-hs-22-6_forster-kaspar--lauda-jerusalem-dominum.krn Error on line: 224: problem with rhythm in **kern spine 7 -- s-uu/kern/s-uu--vok-mus-i-hs-54-13_forster-kaspar--quanta-fecisti-domine-anima-meae.krn Error on line: 3167: problem with rhythm in **kern spine 6 ```

It would be useful to try to identify if this is an encoder error or a data processing error, or both (such as an encoder error in placing SIC immediately before a note, and not have any non-null interpretations getting in the way).

Adding a check to the sic tool to prevent replacing different token types might solve automatic process of encoding errors. A warning message can be generated whenver the token type will change with a sic replacement. Ther could be a sic parameter to allow such change (but I cannot imagine a case where this would happen). Also I could compare the token types, and skip over interpretations when the substitution is a data token type. This might be the best thing to do (but will not catch cases where the encoder mixes up the LO:SIC of two interpretations, such as LO:SIC for a clef being intervened by a *xywh interpretation).

Creating a dry-run option for sic where it lists the substitutions that will be make would be useful. The the substitutions could be reviewed before actually doing the substitutions. Token type mixups could be flagged, and mostly this would be useful to look for same-type tokens such as a *clef and *xywh interpretation.

craigsapp commented 4 months ago

This is somewhat related to mix-stem beams that autostem creates, which I will deal with at some point.

craigsapp commented 4 months ago

Here is a count of the digital scores that contain LO:SIC:

for i in */kern
     for j in $i/*.krn
          grep -l LO:SIC $j
done | wc -l

which reports 3506 files, which is 45% of all scores. So about 10% of files with LO:SIC have the likely ordering problem for LO:SIC. Using grep -L would return the number of files without LO:SIC.

craigsapp commented 4 months ago

Maybe do a random sample of the 327 files to see if the all originate from a sic processing error. If so, then I will fix sic to avoid problem or print a warning when it is happening (To place sic warning triangles properly in the score, the ordering of the LO:SIC should be adjusted).