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Set `verify_SSL=>1` by default for HTTP::Tiny in Plack::LWPish #677

Closed stigtsp closed 2 years ago

stigtsp commented 2 years ago

HTTP::Tiny doesn't verify TLS/SSL certificates by default. This PR sets that flag for the default user agent so HTTPS certificates are verified like LWP does.

Current (insecure) Plack::LWPish behaviour:

$ perl -Ilib -MPlack::LWPish -MHTTP::Request -E 'say Plack::LWPish->new->request(HTTP::Request->new("GET",""))->content'
<!DOCTYPE html>

Compared to LWP:

$ perl -MLWP::UserAgent -E 'say LWP::UserAgent->new->request(HTTP::Request->new("GET",""))->content'                                                                                                    
Can't connect to (certificate verify failed)

With this fix applied, certificates are checked and the request fails:

$ perl -Ilib -MPlack::LWPish -MHTTP::Request -E 'say Plack::LWPish->new->request(HTTP::Request->new("GET",""))->content'
SSL connection failed for SSL connect attempt failed error:1416F086:SSL routines:tls_process_server_certificate:certificate verify failed

Discussions in Debian that motivated this:

stigtsp commented 2 years ago

On second thoughts; Plack::LWPish doesn't seem to have any usage in other CPAN modules, so don't know how important this PR is in practice...

miyagawa commented 2 years ago

Plack::LWPish doesn't seem to have any usage in other CPAN modules

Yeah, to be honest I forgot about the existence of this module and definitely have never used it myself :)