plackyhacker / Shellcode-Injection-Techniques

A collection of C# shellcode injection techniques. All techniques use an AES encrypted meterpreter payload. I will be building this project up as I learn, discover or develop more techniques. Some techniques are better than others at bypassing AV.
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System.OverflowException #6

Open plackyhacker opened 2 years ago

plackyhacker commented 2 years ago

Atom Bombing Technique

Sometimes this line throws an overflow exception:

NtQueueApcThread(hThread, pVirtualProtect, (UInt32)codeCave, (IntPtr)shellcode.Length, (Int32)(MemoryProtection.PAGE_EXECUTE_READWRITE));

The original technique uses ROP chains to call VirtualProtect, as I am only passing the first three parameters to VirtualProtect using the NtQueueApcThread the stack may be corrupt. Needs further investigation.

"Arithmetic operation resulted in an overflow." string


"at System.IntPtr.op_Explicit(IntPtr value)\r\n   at ShellcodeInjectionTechniques.AtomBomb.Run(Process target, Byte[] shellcode) in C:\\Users\\John\\source\\repos\\ShellcodeInjectionTechniques\\ShellcodeInjectionTechniques\\Techniques\\AtomBomb.cs:line 110\r\n   at ShellcodeInjectionTechniques.Program.Main(String[] args) in C:\\Users\\John\\source\\repos\\ShellcodeInjectionTechniques\\ShellcodeInjectionTechniques\\Program.cs:line 43"