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Bulk Upload Tool initial research #4

Open riverfr0zen opened 8 years ago

riverfr0zen commented 8 years ago

Given the platforms we have been looking at (Nginx, Amazon S3, MySQL, Omeka) look into a plausible design for the bulk upload tool.

riverfr0zen commented 8 years ago

Suggestion: I'll let him elaborate if necessary, but @elsewares suggested we could, for e.g., create a thin-client bulk uploader (e.g. in Angular) that POSTs directly to the Omeka form (multiple times).

Another option may be that such a frontend could directly POST images to the S3 REST API, and then also make a POST request to Omeka that creates the corresponding content object.

elsewares commented 8 years ago

I've created something similar for a recent job: POST files via Angular.js (to pick a JS framework) to the S3 REST API, with keys/tokens received on GET from the upload page, either in headers or embedded server-side rendered JSON. After each complete upload, get the final URL for the image back from S3 and then POST to an Omeka endpoint with any bulk metadata for the upload (donor ID, etc) to register the images with the system using the S3 url instead of a filesystem path.

This may or may not require tweaks to Omeka itself.

riverfr0zen commented 8 years ago

I like the idea. In fact, it could even be a sort of standalone app where you feed it the S3 credentials necessary and it will upload per file, and then post to Omeka. That could sort of be the mvp thing, usable by individuals in charge of curating the site, and then we can start to think about how it may be distributed upon request. Think this is pending understanding use cases for 'non-curator' users.

kwhite2 commented 8 years ago

I may be behind the curve here, but there is a batch upload function in one of the Omeka plugins that's REALLY simple to use. If we can get the metadata and urls of the file locations output into a CSV file, it can all be really easily mapped. Is the Omeka admin login communal? If not, can someone set me up in there as an admin? Thanks!