plaid / pattern

An example end-to-end Plaid integration to create items and fetch transaction data
MIT License
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surface the available balance alongside current balance #231

Closed johndpope closed 2 years ago

johndpope commented 2 years ago
Screen Shot 2022-04-29 at 7 32 48 pm

this is so critical for some users - my customer is basing decisions on the balance of account - and it's eroneous.

Current and available balance Balance typically returns both current and available balance information. For fraud detection and insufficient funds (NSF) prevention use cases, available balance should be used, as it represents predicted balance net of any pending transactions, while current balance does not take pending transactions into account.


          <div className="account-data-row__name">{} Account Id: {} Mask:{props.account.mask} </div>
          <div className="account-data-row__balance">{props.account.subtype} ❓ Current Balance: {props.account.current_balance}</div>
          <div className="account-data-row__balance">{props.account.subtype} ✅ Available Balance: {props.account.available_balance}</div>
phoenixy1 commented 2 years ago

@johndpope Thank you for the feedback! Pattern is provided as an educational app demonstrating how one might use typical features of the Plaid API. Because of this, the team is not taking feature requests designed to make the app function better in production. You are welcome to fork Pattern and add this functionality.