plaid / plaid-link-android

Plaid Link Android SDK
MIT License
114 stars 48 forks source link

test #285

Closed siratsami closed 2 months ago

siratsami commented 2 months ago

The problem

Briefly describe the issue you are experiencing (or the feature you want to see added to the Plaid Link React Native SDK). Tell us what you were trying to do and what happened instead.


Android OS Version e.g. 5.0.0 (21)
Android Devices/Emulators e.g. Pixel 3a physical

Steps to Reproduce

If necessary, describe the problem you have been experiencing in more detail. Please include the configuration you are using for Link (exluding your keys and personally identifiable information)

For example:

   "client_name":"My application",

Expected Result

What did you expect to happen?


If this is a visual bug a screenshot would be helpful.


Any relevant logs from Android Logcat or the iOS console including stacktraces.

Code To Reproduce Issue

With sample code it's easier to reproduce the bug and it's much faster to fix it. Don't forget to omit any keys or personally identifiable information. Please provide one of the following:

  1. (Best) A link to a minimal demo app showing the faulty behaviour (a modified version of the sample app would be a great start)
  2. (Better) A concise code sample which can be dropped into fresh application
  3. A snippet of code for your configuration for opening Link