plaid / plaid-ruby

Ruby bindings for Plaid
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Configuring a timeout works correctly, but raises a `Plaid::ApiError` instead of some kind of timeout error #428

Closed ctlevi closed 6 months ago

ctlevi commented 2 years ago

Version 13 and before allowed us to set a timeout for the client, and a Faraday::TimeoutError was raised. But in the latest version, 15.6.0, a Plaid::ApiError is raised and all the fields are null. So I can't really tell if it is a timeout error, or a Plaid error.

I would expect the timeout error that is raised to continue to be a Faraday::TimeoutError. Or at least for the Plaid::ApiError to say that it is a client imposed timeout error.

How to reproduce:

ctlevi commented 2 years ago

Here is where the bug is happening:

Is there any reason that you aren't just letting the Faraday::TimeoutError be raised? I would prefer to deal with that.

phoenixy1 commented 2 years ago

cc: @vorpus

Maimer commented 2 years ago

Just ran into this same issue today when upgrading the version of the plaid gem. I don't believe that Faraday::TimeoutError should be raised in this case as that is an internal concern of this gem (@ctlevi). It seems like there should potentially another error class in this gem like ApiTimeoutError that would be for this case. In the meantime I had to create a patch for this gem in order to do string comparison with the message of Connection timed out.

module PlaidApiErrorPatch
  def initialize(arg = nil)
    arg.is_a?(String) ? super(message: arg) : super(arg)


Using this patch allows the message to be set correctly so that this will work:

[1] pry(main)> error ='Connection timed out')
=> #<Plaid::ApiError: Connection timed out>
[2] pry(main)> error.message
=> "Connection timed out"
ghernandez-plaid commented 2 years ago

Hi @Maimer ! I hope all is well. My name is Gilberto and I’m on the Developer Relations team at Plaid. Our team is interested in expanding our Plaid community and we’re conducting a bit of research to learn more about how devs engage with us.

I was wondering if you'd be interested in participating in a 30 minute research session with me and a member of our research team? You would be compensated with a gift card for your time. If you’re interested, let me know and I can send over the Calendly invite so we can schedule some time (we could switch to email, Twitter DM, etc., for communication). Thanks! (Also, @ctlevi – the invite is also open to you as well in case you're interested 🙂 )

phoenixy1 commented 2 years ago

@otherchen Any ideas on this one? Do you think we should file an issue on the internal Jira?

otherchen commented 2 years ago

Yeah, I think what @Maimer suggested - introducing a new timeout error type - seems like the right path forward! I'll create a JIRA to track this internally.

kyledcline commented 8 months ago

Is this issue resolved in later versions of the gem?

phoenixy1 commented 8 months ago

@kyledcline unfortunately I don't believe it's been resolved.

Maimer commented 8 months ago

@kyledcline @phoenixy1 It hasn't been fixed in regards to introducing a new timeout error, but at least the string error message is preserved as of version 24.3 in this PR:, specifically this line: So if you were using the patch I was using earlier you no longer need it if you are using version 24.3 or newer:

[1] pry(main)> require 'plaid'
=> true
[2] pry(main)> error ='Connection timed out')
=> #<Plaid::ApiError: Connection timed out>
[3] pry(main)> error.message
=> "Connection timed out"
[4] pry(main)> Plaid::VERSION
=> "24.3.0"
phoenixy1 commented 6 months ago

This is now resolved in the latest ruby client library. See