plainblack / Lacuna-Server-Open

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Trade Requests #433

Open lemming552 opened 8 years ago

lemming552 commented 8 years ago

Allow people to post "Will buy 10,000 Corn for 2e" for example.

icydee commented 8 years ago

hmm, I thought I had commented at length on this but it seems I did not 'commit' it.

There are a lot of trades currently where people want to exchange, e.g. glyph types 'offer - 100 gold glyphs, need 100 halite glyphs'. This relies on trust for the two separate transactions.

Thoughts were to make this generic, to allow two-way trades, e.g. people put up an 'offer' trade, but they can specify a minimum for what they want in exchange. If that is E, then it works exactly as it does now.

However it should also be possible to put up a barter trade e.g. 'have - 20 gold glyphs' and 'need - 5 hall plans, 0+1'.

The second party for the trade should be able to either accept that immediately, or propose a counter offer, e.g. 'offer - 4 hall plans, need - 16 gold glyphs'. Posted trades should be able to be edited (rather than now, removed and replaced) to facilitate the exchange.

The trade system should match up trades to identify ones which match exactly (trade proceeds automatically) or if they are similar should notify the parties so they can renegotiate.