plainblack / Lacuna-Server-Open

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hurricane JT hits Space Stations #70

Closed fireartist closed 11 years ago

fireartist commented 11 years ago

Current code: if ($body->empire_id > 1) { wreck_planet($body); } elsif ($body->get_type eq 'space station') {

skip it


This will only skip SS belonging to AI empires. If the intention is to skip all SS, that check should come first.

if ($body->get_type eq 'space station') {
    #skip it
elsif ($body->empire_id > 1) {

Apologies for not providing a pull request for this - I don't currently have a local server set up to test changes.

icydee commented 11 years ago

I have 'patched' the code on us1 so that this works. I am not going to do a code update in GIT until the storm is passed and then it will only be for 'archive' purposes.