Nothing happens. I've looked EVERYWHERE and I've tried everything and it doesn't work. I start the server, point my dns servers to it (or I vpn into it), and it just doesn't work. I've tried to ping to see if it returned my local machine but it didn't. I have an iPhone 4S - iOS 6.1.3. Any help would be awesome! Thanks!
I'm using Ubuntu 12.04 (EDIT - I just upgraded to Ubuntu 12.10.)
Versions: Ruby 2.0.0 RVM 1.22.9 (stable) 2.1. I used the new SiriProxy 0.5 tutorial by plamoni (I did it with user, not root)
I run this each time: "siriproxy bundle" and then "rvmsudo siriproxy server -d -u nobody"
Nothing happens. I've looked EVERYWHERE and I've tried everything and it doesn't work. I start the server, point my dns servers to it (or I vpn into it), and it just doesn't work. I've tried to ping to see if it returned my local machine but it didn't. I have an iPhone 4S - iOS 6.1.3. Any help would be awesome! Thanks!