plamoni / SiriProxy

A (tampering) proxy server for Apple's Siri
GNU General Public License v3.0
2.12k stars 343 forks source link

Config #567

Open andrewclink opened 10 years ago

andrewclink commented 10 years ago

This patch moves $APP_CONFIG into an object at SiriProxy.config. It also creates a new command +genconfig+ that creates the appropriate configuration directory and copies +config.example.y+ into it.

This lays the groundwork for people to use SiriProxy as a daemonized process on *nix with its configuration file in /etc/siriproxy.d, while retaining the original usage pattern of .siriproxy in the home directory.

plamoni commented 10 years ago

Based on a quick look at the code, this looks pretty helpful. The configuration file location has been a sort of ongoing issue for a lot of people. Let me take a closer look at it and I'll probably just merge it in.
