plandex-ai / plandex

AI driven development in your terminal. Designed for large, real-world tasks.
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The term 'plandex' is not recognized as a name of a cmdlet, function, script file, or executable program. #117

Closed sMx7d closed 1 month ago

sMx7d commented 1 month ago
PS C:\Users\smx7d> curl -sL | bash
Plandex 0.9.1 Quick Install
Copyright (c) 2024 Plandex Inc.

Downloading Plandex tarball from
Plandex is installed in '/c/Users/smx7d/bin'
creating pdx alias
Cleaning up...
Installation complete. Info:

  plandex [command] [flags]
  pdx [command] [flags]

  plandex help
  plandex [command] --help

 Getting Started
  Create a new plan in your project's root directory with  plandex new

 Key Commands
  plandex new  πŸ‘‰ start a new plan
  plandex (l)oad  πŸ‘‰ load files, dirs, urls, notes or piped data into context
  plandex (t)ell  πŸ‘‰ describe a task, ask a question, or chat
  plandex (ch)anges  πŸ‘‰ review plan changes in a TUI
  plandex (ap)ply  πŸ‘‰ apply plan changes to project files

  plandex new  πŸ‘‰ start a new plan
  plandex (pl)ans  πŸ‘‰ list plans
  plandex cd  πŸ‘‰ set current plan by name or index
  plandex (cu)rrent  πŸ‘‰ show current plan
  plandex delete-plan (dp)  πŸ‘‰ delete plan by name or index
  plandex rename  πŸ‘‰ rename the current plan
  plandex (arc)hive  πŸ‘‰ archive a plan
  plandex plans --archived  πŸ‘‰ list archived plans
  plandex (unarc)hive  πŸ‘‰ unarchive a plan

  plandex (ch)anges  πŸ‘‰ review plan changes in a TUI
  plandex diff  πŸ‘‰ review plan changes in 'git diff' format
  plandex (ap)ply  πŸ‘‰ apply plan changes to project files

  plandex (l)oad  πŸ‘‰ load files, dirs, urls, notes or piped data into context
  plandex ls  πŸ‘‰ list everything in context
  plandex rm  πŸ‘‰ remove context by name, index, or glob
  plandex (u)pdate  πŸ‘‰ update outdated context
  plandex clear  πŸ‘‰ remove all context

  plandex (br)anches  πŸ‘‰ list plan branches
  plandex checkout (co)  πŸ‘‰ checkout or create a branch
  plandex delete-branch (db)  πŸ‘‰ delete a branch by name or index

  plandex convo  πŸ‘‰ show plan conversation
  plandex log  πŸ‘‰ show log of plan updates
  plandex rewind (rw)  πŸ‘‰ rewind to a previous state

  plandex (t)ell  πŸ‘‰ describe a task, ask a question, or chat
  plandex (c)ontinue  πŸ‘‰ continue the plan
  plandex (b)uild  πŸ‘‰ build any pending changes

  plandex ps  πŸ‘‰ list active and recently finished plan streams
  plandex (conn)ect  πŸ‘‰ connect to an active plan stream
  plandex stop  πŸ‘‰ stop an active plan stream

 AI Models
  plandex models  πŸ‘‰ show current plan model settings
  plandex models default  πŸ‘‰ show org-wide default model settings for new plans
  plandex models available  πŸ‘‰ show all available models
  plandex set-model  πŸ‘‰ update current plan model settings
  plandex set-model default  πŸ‘‰ update org-wide default model settings for new plans
  plandex models available --custom  πŸ‘‰ show available custom models only
  plandex models add  πŸ‘‰ add a custom model
  plandex models delete  πŸ‘‰ delete a custom model
  plandex model-packs  πŸ‘‰ show all available model packs
  plandex model-packs --custom  πŸ‘‰ show custom model packs only
  plandex model-packs create  πŸ‘‰ create a new custom model pack
  plandex model-packs delete  πŸ‘‰ delete a custom model pack

  plandex sign-in  πŸ‘‰ sign in, accept an invite, or create an account
  plandex invite  πŸ‘‰ invite a user to join your org
  plandex revoke  πŸ‘‰ revoke an invite or remove a user from your org
  plandex users  πŸ‘‰ list users and pending invites in your org

PS C:\Users\smx7d> plandex load
plandex: The term 'plandex' is not recognized as a name of a cmdlet, function, script file, or executable program.
Check the spelling of the name, or if a path was included, verify that the path is correct and try again.

i installed plandex using the commend: curl -sL | bash but when i type "plandex" i get the next meesage:

plandex: The term 'plandex' is not recognized as a name of a cmdlet, function, script file, or executable program.
Check the spelling of the name, or if a path was included, verify that the path is correct and try again.

os: windows 11 powershell 7 (same in terminal)


danenania commented 1 month ago

Hey @sMx7d, you likely need to add $HOME/bin to your $PATH