Closed simonbray closed 3 years ago
Actually I think you can make custom API calls with gh api ...
Oh it's way easier than I thought: gh pr create --title 'Test' --body 'Test' --label 'tool-autoupdate'
@bgruening could you maybe give @planemo-autoupdate permissions to add tags on the compchem and bgruening repos, so we can try this out?
For ogranisations that seems to be ok. There is a triage role that could be used, but for normal repos I need to make the bot commiter afaik. Not sure if all people want that. Can we make this optional?
Can we make this optional?
Yes - so far I was implementing it as a separate CI action for each repo. So it is fully customisable.
Not sure how, it isn't supported by gh as far as I can tell. Also the bot would need to be given the necessary permissions on target repos.