planetarium / lib9c

Lib9c is a library that contains key implementations of Nine Chronicles, a decentralized RPG developed with Libplanet. Lib9c includes Nine Chronicle's key features like in-game decisions and data models, which can be used to implement game core capabilities.
GNU General Public License v3.0
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RuneStatModifier생성에 인자로 사용하는 값 통일 (`stat.BaseValue`, `stat.TotalValue`) #2650

Open tyrosine1153 opened 3 days ago

tyrosine1153 commented 3 days ago
          > What's the difference between TotalValue and BaseValue? Should we apply rune level bonus to BaseValue, not TotalValue?

I referred to ChracterStats.cs in Lib9c for client stats ui. ...However, seeing that ArenaCharacter.cs in Lib9c uses TotalValue for SetRuneStats, I think the two values are mixed. Maybe we should check about these.

Originally posted by @tyrosine1153 in

룬 연산과 관련해 BaseValue, TotalValue를 혼용하고 있는 부분을 TotalValue로 통일합니다.