planetarium / libplanet

Blockchain in C#/.NET for on-chain, decentralized gaming
GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1
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Add Proof on the Block #3709

Closed OnedgeLee closed 3 months ago

OnedgeLee commented 3 months ago


  1. Add Proof on the IBlockMetadata
  2. Add Proof validation logic on ValidateBlock()
  3. Replace seed generation logic with IBlockMetadata.Proof
  4. Fix bug on VRF


  1. Three unit tests on Libplanet.Net.Consensus are failing, since logic proposing block with Proof is not implemented yet. This can be fixed after VRF step is added on the Libplanet.Net
  2. Action with new random seed generation can be tested on Libplanet.Tests.ActionEvaluatorTest.Idempotent
pull-request-quantifier-deprecated[bot] commented 3 months ago

This PR has 474 quantified lines of changes. In general, a change size of upto 200 lines is ideal for the best PR experience!

Quantification details

``` Label : Extra Large Size : +354 -120 Percentile : 82.47% Total files changed: 28 Change summary by file extension: .cs : +354 -120 ``` > Change counts above are quantified counts, based on the [PullRequestQuantifier customizations](

Why proper sizing of changes matters

Optimal pull request sizes drive a better predictable PR flow as they strike a balance between between PR complexity and PR review overhead. PRs within the optimal size (typical small, or medium sized PRs) mean: - Fast and predictable releases to production: - Optimal size changes are more likely to be reviewed faster with fewer iterations. - Similarity in low PR complexity drives similar review times. - Review quality is likely higher as complexity is lower: - Bugs are more likely to be detected. - Code inconsistencies are more likely to be detected. - Knowledge sharing is improved within the participants: - Small portions can be assimilated better. - Better engineering practices are exercised: - Solving big problems by dividing them in well contained, smaller problems. - Exercising separation of concerns within the code changes. #### What can I do to optimize my changes - Use the PullRequestQuantifier to quantify your PR accurately - Create a context profile for your repo using the [context generator]( - Exclude files that are not necessary to be reviewed or do not increase the review complexity. Example: Autogenerated code, docs, project IDE setting files, binaries, etc. Check out the `Excluded` section from your `prquantifier.yaml` context profile. - Understand your typical change complexity, drive towards the desired complexity by adjusting the label mapping in your `prquantifier.yaml` context profile. - Only use the labels that matter to you, [see context specification](./docs/ to customize your `prquantifier.yaml` context profile. - Change your engineering behaviors - For PRs that fall outside of the desired spectrum, review the details and check if: - Your PR could be split in smaller, self-contained PRs instead - Your PR only solves one particular issue. (For example, don't refactor and code new features in the same PR). #### How to interpret the change counts in git diff output - One line was added: `+1 -0` - One line was deleted: `+0 -1` - One line was modified: `+1 -1` (git diff doesn't know about modified, it will interpret that line like one addition plus one deletion) - Change percentiles: Change characteristics (addition, deletion, modification) of this PR in relation to all other PRs within the repository.

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pull-request-quantifier-deprecated[bot] commented 3 months ago

This PR has 1659 quantified lines of changes. In general, a change size of upto 200 lines is ideal for the best PR experience!

Quantification details

``` Label : Extra Large Size : +1035 -624 Percentile : 100% Total files changed: 39 Change summary by file extension: .cs : +1035 -624 ``` > Change counts above are quantified counts, based on the [PullRequestQuantifier customizations](

Why proper sizing of changes matters

Optimal pull request sizes drive a better predictable PR flow as they strike a balance between between PR complexity and PR review overhead. PRs within the optimal size (typical small, or medium sized PRs) mean: - Fast and predictable releases to production: - Optimal size changes are more likely to be reviewed faster with fewer iterations. - Similarity in low PR complexity drives similar review times. - Review quality is likely higher as complexity is lower: - Bugs are more likely to be detected. - Code inconsistencies are more likely to be detected. - Knowledge sharing is improved within the participants: - Small portions can be assimilated better. - Better engineering practices are exercised: - Solving big problems by dividing them in well contained, smaller problems. - Exercising separation of concerns within the code changes. #### What can I do to optimize my changes - Use the PullRequestQuantifier to quantify your PR accurately - Create a context profile for your repo using the [context generator]( - Exclude files that are not necessary to be reviewed or do not increase the review complexity. Example: Autogenerated code, docs, project IDE setting files, binaries, etc. Check out the `Excluded` section from your `prquantifier.yaml` context profile. - Understand your typical change complexity, drive towards the desired complexity by adjusting the label mapping in your `prquantifier.yaml` context profile. - Only use the labels that matter to you, [see context specification](./docs/ to customize your `prquantifier.yaml` context profile. - Change your engineering behaviors - For PRs that fall outside of the desired spectrum, review the details and check if: - Your PR could be split in smaller, self-contained PRs instead - Your PR only solves one particular issue. (For example, don't refactor and code new features in the same PR). #### How to interpret the change counts in git diff output - One line was added: `+1 -0` - One line was deleted: `+0 -1` - One line was modified: `+1 -1` (git diff doesn't know about modified, it will interpret that line like one addition plus one deletion) - Change percentiles: Change characteristics (addition, deletion, modification) of this PR in relation to all other PRs within the repository.

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pull-request-quantifier-deprecated[bot] commented 3 months ago

This PR has 1659 quantified lines of changes. In general, a change size of upto 200 lines is ideal for the best PR experience!

Quantification details

``` Label : Extra Large Size : +1035 -624 Percentile : 100% Total files changed: 39 Change summary by file extension: .cs : +1035 -624 ``` > Change counts above are quantified counts, based on the [PullRequestQuantifier customizations](

Why proper sizing of changes matters

Optimal pull request sizes drive a better predictable PR flow as they strike a balance between between PR complexity and PR review overhead. PRs within the optimal size (typical small, or medium sized PRs) mean: - Fast and predictable releases to production: - Optimal size changes are more likely to be reviewed faster with fewer iterations. - Similarity in low PR complexity drives similar review times. - Review quality is likely higher as complexity is lower: - Bugs are more likely to be detected. - Code inconsistencies are more likely to be detected. - Knowledge sharing is improved within the participants: - Small portions can be assimilated better. - Better engineering practices are exercised: - Solving big problems by dividing them in well contained, smaller problems. - Exercising separation of concerns within the code changes. #### What can I do to optimize my changes - Use the PullRequestQuantifier to quantify your PR accurately - Create a context profile for your repo using the [context generator]( - Exclude files that are not necessary to be reviewed or do not increase the review complexity. Example: Autogenerated code, docs, project IDE setting files, binaries, etc. Check out the `Excluded` section from your `prquantifier.yaml` context profile. - Understand your typical change complexity, drive towards the desired complexity by adjusting the label mapping in your `prquantifier.yaml` context profile. - Only use the labels that matter to you, [see context specification](./docs/ to customize your `prquantifier.yaml` context profile. - Change your engineering behaviors - For PRs that fall outside of the desired spectrum, review the details and check if: - Your PR could be split in smaller, self-contained PRs instead - Your PR only solves one particular issue. (For example, don't refactor and code new features in the same PR). #### How to interpret the change counts in git diff output - One line was added: `+1 -0` - One line was deleted: `+0 -1` - One line was modified: `+1 -1` (git diff doesn't know about modified, it will interpret that line like one addition plus one deletion) - Change percentiles: Change characteristics (addition, deletion, modification) of this PR in relation to all other PRs within the repository.

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pull-request-quantifier-deprecated[bot] commented 3 months ago

This PR has 1664 quantified lines of changes. In general, a change size of upto 200 lines is ideal for the best PR experience!

Quantification details

``` Label : Extra Large Size : +1040 -624 Percentile : 100% Total files changed: 40 Change summary by file extension: .md : +5 -0 .cs : +1035 -624 ``` > Change counts above are quantified counts, based on the [PullRequestQuantifier customizations](

Why proper sizing of changes matters

Optimal pull request sizes drive a better predictable PR flow as they strike a balance between between PR complexity and PR review overhead. PRs within the optimal size (typical small, or medium sized PRs) mean: - Fast and predictable releases to production: - Optimal size changes are more likely to be reviewed faster with fewer iterations. - Similarity in low PR complexity drives similar review times. - Review quality is likely higher as complexity is lower: - Bugs are more likely to be detected. - Code inconsistencies are more likely to be detected. - Knowledge sharing is improved within the participants: - Small portions can be assimilated better. - Better engineering practices are exercised: - Solving big problems by dividing them in well contained, smaller problems. - Exercising separation of concerns within the code changes. #### What can I do to optimize my changes - Use the PullRequestQuantifier to quantify your PR accurately - Create a context profile for your repo using the [context generator]( - Exclude files that are not necessary to be reviewed or do not increase the review complexity. Example: Autogenerated code, docs, project IDE setting files, binaries, etc. Check out the `Excluded` section from your `prquantifier.yaml` context profile. - Understand your typical change complexity, drive towards the desired complexity by adjusting the label mapping in your `prquantifier.yaml` context profile. - Only use the labels that matter to you, [see context specification](./docs/ to customize your `prquantifier.yaml` context profile. - Change your engineering behaviors - For PRs that fall outside of the desired spectrum, review the details and check if: - Your PR could be split in smaller, self-contained PRs instead - Your PR only solves one particular issue. (For example, don't refactor and code new features in the same PR). #### How to interpret the change counts in git diff output - One line was added: `+1 -0` - One line was deleted: `+0 -1` - One line was modified: `+1 -1` (git diff doesn't know about modified, it will interpret that line like one addition plus one deletion) - Change percentiles: Change characteristics (addition, deletion, modification) of this PR in relation to all other PRs within the repository.

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pull-request-quantifier-deprecated[bot] commented 3 months ago

This PR has 1665 quantified lines of changes. In general, a change size of upto 200 lines is ideal for the best PR experience!

Quantification details

``` Label : Extra Large Size : +1041 -624 Percentile : 100% Total files changed: 40 Change summary by file extension: .md : +6 -0 .cs : +1035 -624 ``` > Change counts above are quantified counts, based on the [PullRequestQuantifier customizations](

Why proper sizing of changes matters

Optimal pull request sizes drive a better predictable PR flow as they strike a balance between between PR complexity and PR review overhead. PRs within the optimal size (typical small, or medium sized PRs) mean: - Fast and predictable releases to production: - Optimal size changes are more likely to be reviewed faster with fewer iterations. - Similarity in low PR complexity drives similar review times. - Review quality is likely higher as complexity is lower: - Bugs are more likely to be detected. - Code inconsistencies are more likely to be detected. - Knowledge sharing is improved within the participants: - Small portions can be assimilated better. - Better engineering practices are exercised: - Solving big problems by dividing them in well contained, smaller problems. - Exercising separation of concerns within the code changes. #### What can I do to optimize my changes - Use the PullRequestQuantifier to quantify your PR accurately - Create a context profile for your repo using the [context generator]( - Exclude files that are not necessary to be reviewed or do not increase the review complexity. Example: Autogenerated code, docs, project IDE setting files, binaries, etc. Check out the `Excluded` section from your `prquantifier.yaml` context profile. - Understand your typical change complexity, drive towards the desired complexity by adjusting the label mapping in your `prquantifier.yaml` context profile. - Only use the labels that matter to you, [see context specification](./docs/ to customize your `prquantifier.yaml` context profile. - Change your engineering behaviors - For PRs that fall outside of the desired spectrum, review the details and check if: - Your PR could be split in smaller, self-contained PRs instead - Your PR only solves one particular issue. (For example, don't refactor and code new features in the same PR). #### How to interpret the change counts in git diff output - One line was added: `+1 -0` - One line was deleted: `+0 -1` - One line was modified: `+1 -1` (git diff doesn't know about modified, it will interpret that line like one addition plus one deletion) - Change percentiles: Change characteristics (addition, deletion, modification) of this PR in relation to all other PRs within the repository.

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OnedgeLee commented 3 months ago

Found Ill case for Prove / Verify

n {115792089237316195423570985008687907852837564279074904382605163141518161494337}
d {69748851117666401436374916422761151744816932823854673510914720849135673588176}
k {82822614636508985558665821368565172080306475916185729551444208044298071280420}
pointH {(ed957272626bc15f6894a53525d52d4d5f29e52d14fdac600b60be1ac348331d,e4cf8a8448135f13b65614e65e91a714248ae52c2f374304d6169320082266d8,1,0)}
dPointH {(2a580d8589d3454db231c80e8f82087459c2dad3f6a44b4db2b2b6f53bafd268,868bc41fcd4b9c3b39ff32e06200a0d1d81133bcf70b34a8c5187b35ae1be573,47f494fdfbf408f3a57d1fd34f1561c4f97580a63ac77463b486ed462a7bd6f8,0)}
kPointG {(76221206fd2f70140b46d6a01a8cff0f27130f8b20cfffe394ac5e3101de45b1,5399901b57b4beec061b10527a1edd1aa9c54ab23b1f13cf5fe842e21d910466,f4df68b98616c827cdf6059e4b97239eed7c4815b06b696ef515e06e9a67c3f4,0)}
kPointH {(202800ffacac7f0446b16769869a8c645d15f1f39bf2b9c5d9eaf94b39fa3b4d,2e116f5d29cdc4f03bc95cbd05560380fd0166f41013c0723e794aec450b9ef0,a18e42f094ae190e9042eb41248f1301123630faa58424c14045ecf6bb7026e9,0)}
c {2155705881659730220458634709163922144726325628097191073428919125825088058244}
s {371550208926705610778939577771833749725103032084017515954871775428237015947}
gammaBytes 036dc50c3aff166e09bbd542751471b30dc6c462ba753346363480a220c70fe3ea
cBytes 04c41617273b9a5a20e73488bc2f7053e3ff256fd9c936b32de6dfefd212f384
sBytes d24a3b33d092d1294be24244acdb8734621938da4315737db0f8908b833b8b00
piBytes 036dc50c3aff166e09bbd542751471b30dc6c462ba753346363480a220c70fe3ea04c41617273b9a5a20e73488bc2f7053e3ff256fd9c936b32de6dfefd212f384d24a3b33d092d1294be24244acdb8734621938da4315737db0f8908b833b8b00

dPointH {(6dc50c3aff166e09bbd542751471b30dc6c462ba753346363480a220c70fe3ea,f6a4e93b0e92f60b0072485e0484360753589b780394d64aca1864b84bbf4deb,1,0)}
c {2155705881659730220458634709163922144726325628097191073428919125825088058244}
s {95116853485236636359408531909589439929626376213508484084447174509628676082432}
sPointG {(a6fa06fd9f26a016f962fcf31d3e473ee03364e503d66047346e6aeafbed19d3,4b4c0bf60dbfd48b85e98d52731fb4387122e0d651ff636cc4e38b6fc4b76eb5,6b01882858734dd154d1426c9d4625f40fbcf0f7c3d4f8d6079d4cf02a97172d,0)}
cdPointG {(e7321ca3f3f1d715ff52528ec7753ab0afcbbe529187ff1e2da0447a2c91283e,4c48fa8db77ad95402f4ac93a44fb50ef0eccc259e7a62d724de9b5ddcdccde,2d91f9e6cf32ff5ce3143185c61d97aae9420e9e4aa03f86c64b65a5228bb870,0)}
scdPointG {(633e8727348461caa30e5df6f7d69401e47a1cce473f5e4d0443a60c0a70bfc2,9a4c9b997fb16b154edf5392cdbc9b56f3b6b86005510d4a2b33a4660f4d5f36,8a9a1be34703d270f09f9f2e869386afb0cdc3e7a0835ccd57795e3f828de9de,0)}
pointH {(ed957272626bc15f6894a53525d52d4d5f29e52d14fdac600b60be1ac348331d,e4cf8a8448135f13b65614e65e91a714248ae52c2f374304d6169320082266d8,1,0)}
sPointH {(a6fa06fd9f26a016f962fcf31d3e473ee03364e503d66047346e6aeafbed19d3,4b4c0bf60dbfd48b85e98d52731fb4387122e0d651ff636cc4e38b6fc4b76eb5,6b01882858734dd154d1426c9d4625f40fbcf0f7c3d4f8d6079d4cf02a97172d,0)}
cdPointH {(30923ddb0a1c3758897e39ca726f3155bfd31e432c902bd75285d259db9b07f6,dee442a6a59dff48ae5c363a7fcb06bee8c8627207f5c6abb87aa787a1ca95b6,9bce7831c6ec9945b5a51d0383899e36f30d4d88f769ea6c5cc7e451c545339d,0)}
scdPointH {(ad21a4a62dbe87c15e3827bca641be9f68e875879d53b1e661d8213808e6b1ed,c798268191e814a24630de9879a4497378e6a8f3ff7bb27710b52f2f4a2b6aa4,434395eac33c732c86f2da8412f2128387ef4bb59896bfee3aa32303dc31e513,0)}

Seems fail on DecodeProof() is a problem. (Decoded ECPoint and BigInteger is different from original)

Solved. ECPoint was not a matter, since they are actually same point, since the former wasn't normalized form.

The problem was on the BigInteger -> byte[] conversion. Those were expected to be done by left-padding, but right-padding has been applied.

So, actual value has been modified during encoding - decoding, so on some cases this raises some error. (when BigInteger does not occupy full length of EC paramater size)

pull-request-quantifier-deprecated[bot] commented 3 months ago

This PR has 1681 quantified lines of changes. In general, a change size of upto 200 lines is ideal for the best PR experience!

Quantification details

``` Label : Extra Large Size : +1051 -630 Percentile : 100% Total files changed: 41 Change summary by file extension: .md : +6 -0 .cs : +1045 -630 ``` > Change counts above are quantified counts, based on the [PullRequestQuantifier customizations](

Why proper sizing of changes matters

Optimal pull request sizes drive a better predictable PR flow as they strike a balance between between PR complexity and PR review overhead. PRs within the optimal size (typical small, or medium sized PRs) mean: - Fast and predictable releases to production: - Optimal size changes are more likely to be reviewed faster with fewer iterations. - Similarity in low PR complexity drives similar review times. - Review quality is likely higher as complexity is lower: - Bugs are more likely to be detected. - Code inconsistencies are more likely to be detected. - Knowledge sharing is improved within the participants: - Small portions can be assimilated better. - Better engineering practices are exercised: - Solving big problems by dividing them in well contained, smaller problems. - Exercising separation of concerns within the code changes. #### What can I do to optimize my changes - Use the PullRequestQuantifier to quantify your PR accurately - Create a context profile for your repo using the [context generator]( - Exclude files that are not necessary to be reviewed or do not increase the review complexity. Example: Autogenerated code, docs, project IDE setting files, binaries, etc. Check out the `Excluded` section from your `prquantifier.yaml` context profile. - Understand your typical change complexity, drive towards the desired complexity by adjusting the label mapping in your `prquantifier.yaml` context profile. - Only use the labels that matter to you, [see context specification](./docs/ to customize your `prquantifier.yaml` context profile. - Change your engineering behaviors - For PRs that fall outside of the desired spectrum, review the details and check if: - Your PR could be split in smaller, self-contained PRs instead - Your PR only solves one particular issue. (For example, don't refactor and code new features in the same PR). #### How to interpret the change counts in git diff output - One line was added: `+1 -0` - One line was deleted: `+0 -1` - One line was modified: `+1 -1` (git diff doesn't know about modified, it will interpret that line like one addition plus one deletion) - Change percentiles: Change characteristics (addition, deletion, modification) of this PR in relation to all other PRs within the repository.

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pull-request-quantifier-deprecated[bot] commented 3 months ago

This PR has 2034 quantified lines of changes. In general, a change size of upto 200 lines is ideal for the best PR experience!

Quantification details

``` Label : Extra Large Size : +1307 -727 Percentile : 100% Total files changed: 49 Change summary by file extension: .md : +6 -0 .cs : +1301 -727 ``` > Change counts above are quantified counts, based on the [PullRequestQuantifier customizations](

Why proper sizing of changes matters

Optimal pull request sizes drive a better predictable PR flow as they strike a balance between between PR complexity and PR review overhead. PRs within the optimal size (typical small, or medium sized PRs) mean: - Fast and predictable releases to production: - Optimal size changes are more likely to be reviewed faster with fewer iterations. - Similarity in low PR complexity drives similar review times. - Review quality is likely higher as complexity is lower: - Bugs are more likely to be detected. - Code inconsistencies are more likely to be detected. - Knowledge sharing is improved within the participants: - Small portions can be assimilated better. - Better engineering practices are exercised: - Solving big problems by dividing them in well contained, smaller problems. - Exercising separation of concerns within the code changes. #### What can I do to optimize my changes - Use the PullRequestQuantifier to quantify your PR accurately - Create a context profile for your repo using the [context generator]( - Exclude files that are not necessary to be reviewed or do not increase the review complexity. Example: Autogenerated code, docs, project IDE setting files, binaries, etc. Check out the `Excluded` section from your `prquantifier.yaml` context profile. - Understand your typical change complexity, drive towards the desired complexity by adjusting the label mapping in your `prquantifier.yaml` context profile. - Only use the labels that matter to you, [see context specification](./docs/ to customize your `prquantifier.yaml` context profile. - Change your engineering behaviors - For PRs that fall outside of the desired spectrum, review the details and check if: - Your PR could be split in smaller, self-contained PRs instead - Your PR only solves one particular issue. (For example, don't refactor and code new features in the same PR). #### How to interpret the change counts in git diff output - One line was added: `+1 -0` - One line was deleted: `+0 -1` - One line was modified: `+1 -1` (git diff doesn't know about modified, it will interpret that line like one addition plus one deletion) - Change percentiles: Change characteristics (addition, deletion, modification) of this PR in relation to all other PRs within the repository.

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pull-request-quantifier-deprecated[bot] commented 3 months ago

This PR has 2103 quantified lines of changes. In general, a change size of upto 200 lines is ideal for the best PR experience!

Quantification details

``` Label : Extra Large Size : +1364 -739 Percentile : 100% Total files changed: 49 Change summary by file extension: .md : +6 -0 .cs : +1358 -739 ``` > Change counts above are quantified counts, based on the [PullRequestQuantifier customizations](

Why proper sizing of changes matters

Optimal pull request sizes drive a better predictable PR flow as they strike a balance between between PR complexity and PR review overhead. PRs within the optimal size (typical small, or medium sized PRs) mean: - Fast and predictable releases to production: - Optimal size changes are more likely to be reviewed faster with fewer iterations. - Similarity in low PR complexity drives similar review times. - Review quality is likely higher as complexity is lower: - Bugs are more likely to be detected. - Code inconsistencies are more likely to be detected. - Knowledge sharing is improved within the participants: - Small portions can be assimilated better. - Better engineering practices are exercised: - Solving big problems by dividing them in well contained, smaller problems. - Exercising separation of concerns within the code changes. #### What can I do to optimize my changes - Use the PullRequestQuantifier to quantify your PR accurately - Create a context profile for your repo using the [context generator]( - Exclude files that are not necessary to be reviewed or do not increase the review complexity. Example: Autogenerated code, docs, project IDE setting files, binaries, etc. Check out the `Excluded` section from your `prquantifier.yaml` context profile. - Understand your typical change complexity, drive towards the desired complexity by adjusting the label mapping in your `prquantifier.yaml` context profile. - Only use the labels that matter to you, [see context specification](./docs/ to customize your `prquantifier.yaml` context profile. - Change your engineering behaviors - For PRs that fall outside of the desired spectrum, review the details and check if: - Your PR could be split in smaller, self-contained PRs instead - Your PR only solves one particular issue. (For example, don't refactor and code new features in the same PR). #### How to interpret the change counts in git diff output - One line was added: `+1 -0` - One line was deleted: `+0 -1` - One line was modified: `+1 -1` (git diff doesn't know about modified, it will interpret that line like one addition plus one deletion) - Change percentiles: Change characteristics (addition, deletion, modification) of this PR in relation to all other PRs within the repository.

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pull-request-quantifier-deprecated[bot] commented 3 months ago

This PR has 2149 quantified lines of changes. In general, a change size of upto 200 lines is ideal for the best PR experience!

Quantification details

``` Label : Extra Large Size : +1410 -739 Percentile : 100% Total files changed: 49 Change summary by file extension: .md : +6 -0 .cs : +1404 -739 ``` > Change counts above are quantified counts, based on the [PullRequestQuantifier customizations](

Why proper sizing of changes matters

Optimal pull request sizes drive a better predictable PR flow as they strike a balance between between PR complexity and PR review overhead. PRs within the optimal size (typical small, or medium sized PRs) mean: - Fast and predictable releases to production: - Optimal size changes are more likely to be reviewed faster with fewer iterations. - Similarity in low PR complexity drives similar review times. - Review quality is likely higher as complexity is lower: - Bugs are more likely to be detected. - Code inconsistencies are more likely to be detected. - Knowledge sharing is improved within the participants: - Small portions can be assimilated better. - Better engineering practices are exercised: - Solving big problems by dividing them in well contained, smaller problems. - Exercising separation of concerns within the code changes. #### What can I do to optimize my changes - Use the PullRequestQuantifier to quantify your PR accurately - Create a context profile for your repo using the [context generator]( - Exclude files that are not necessary to be reviewed or do not increase the review complexity. Example: Autogenerated code, docs, project IDE setting files, binaries, etc. Check out the `Excluded` section from your `prquantifier.yaml` context profile. - Understand your typical change complexity, drive towards the desired complexity by adjusting the label mapping in your `prquantifier.yaml` context profile. - Only use the labels that matter to you, [see context specification](./docs/ to customize your `prquantifier.yaml` context profile. - Change your engineering behaviors - For PRs that fall outside of the desired spectrum, review the details and check if: - Your PR could be split in smaller, self-contained PRs instead - Your PR only solves one particular issue. (For example, don't refactor and code new features in the same PR). #### How to interpret the change counts in git diff output - One line was added: `+1 -0` - One line was deleted: `+0 -1` - One line was modified: `+1 -1` (git diff doesn't know about modified, it will interpret that line like one addition plus one deletion) - Change percentiles: Change characteristics (addition, deletion, modification) of this PR in relation to all other PRs within the repository.

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