planetary-social / ansible-scripts

Ansible automation scripts used at Planetary
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Create play for handling SSH keys #70

Closed cooldracula closed 6 months ago

cooldracula commented 6 months ago

This PR brings in playbooks/ssh-keys.yml to our ansible scripts. This play looks for two vars in the given inventory files (or passed in as runtime variables): approved_users and removed_users.

Both variables are lists of github users. approved_users is required to run the play (it will fail if it doesn't find it, or if it isn't given as a list). removed_users is optional. For each approved user, we ensure their keys (at{{user}}.keys) exists on the remote host, using ansible's builtin authorized_key role.

If removed_users exists, then we loop through them and ensure their keys are not on the host, using the same builtin.

I deliberated on this, trying to find the most declarative way to set the list of users that should be on a server, while making the play safe and simple to run. I wanted to use ansible builtins instead of some custom script (e.g. editing or replacing the authorized_keys), to avoid a situation where we could accidentally lock ourselves out of the server due to incorrect string manipulation or what-have-you. the authorized_key builtin only allows you to add or remove keys, with the option of the exclusive attribute to say "add only this key". That exclusive doesn't work on a loop though, as it just means the last user in the loop would be the only one who could access it. So I was working on some superuser who gets added exclusively first(e.g. me, so I don't get locked out) and then loop through the list of approved_users and add them. This had the benefit of not having to keep a second list of removed users, but it was also clanky and dangerous.

So I compromised with the two lists, where you can define them at the inventory level and set different users for different groups of servers. It still is declarative, and we keep a history of people who formerly had keys but no longer, and is safe. The downside is we must remember when someone is offboarded and add them to the list.

I tested this script on our dev servers and then ran it for all pubs and all nos services, removing boreq from the servers and adding dcadenas where relevant.

mplorentz commented 6 months ago

I like the compromise.