planetary-social / ansible-scripts

Ansible automation scripts used at Planetary
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Bump REQs per connection #78

Closed dcadenas closed 4 months ago

dcadenas commented 5 months ago

We are having many too many REQs errors so I'm bumping this config:

admin@relay:~$ docker logs strfry --follow |& grep 'sending error to' > sample.txt
admin@relay:~$  cat sample.txt | grep -oiE '\]: .*'| sort | uniq -c
      1 ]: bad close: subscription id too short
  11157 ]: bad msg: unparseable message
    124 ]: bad req: arr too big
    172 ]: bad req: filter item too large
     15 ]: bad req: filter item too small
    152 ]: bad req: std::get: wrong index for variant
      2 ]: bad req: total filter items too large
     18 ]: bad req: uneven size input to from_hex
      2 ]: bad req: unexpected character in from_hex: 114
      2 ]: bad req: unexpected character in from_hex: 122
   2912 ]: bad req: unrecognised filter item
   1364 ]: negentropy error: negentropy query missing elements
  20268 ]: too many concurrent REQs
cooldracula commented 4 months ago

looks good to me!