planetary-social / rooms-frontend

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Make posts load consistently fast #138

Open mplorentz opened 1 year ago

mplorentz commented 1 year ago

The message cards on sometimes load really fast and sometimes they take over 10 seconds. Let's make them consistently fast. Some theories to why they are slow:

mplorentz commented 1 year ago

@mixmix as the person with the most widespread domain knowledge could you take the lead on diagnosing what is slow here and what we might do to fix it?

danlatorre commented 1 year ago

Here's another thing I found running through user flows... there's some client code bug for image display in Firefox. The images display in Brave/Chromium and Safari, just fine. Image shows Firefox on the left w/ broken images, Brave is on the left.


mixmix commented 1 year ago

@danlatorre this is good to know but probably a different issue? I'll make on for it

mixmix commented 1 year ago

Going through the graphql queries that this page makes one at a time

1. Daniel's profile :heavy_check_mark:

image all good, we need all this

2. Loading room data, members? :fire:

image I can't see why we need members data on this page. This amount of data should not be needed

Recommend : remove this query

3. Daniel's profile (AGAIN) :cry:


Loading Daniels' data again... but more (need followers, following)


4. Loading 10 of Daniel's threads :heavy_check_mark:


Looks good to me. If we wanted we could probably load 6 or 7 as we have that auto-scroll load more.

5. Load random threads :fire:


Why are we getting 10 random threads? This seems like a mistake. Recommend find and remove

mixmix commented 1 year ago

I haven't looked at the Vue code @chereseeriepa , but if you're not sure where those queries are coming from, or want to pair on how to split up the Vue routing/ pages differently I'm happy to pair.

Profile caching

We should add a cache over profiles in similar to the one we have in Ahau.


  1. a cache which can invalidate itself if updates come through
  2. wiring that into resolver
mixmix commented 1 year ago

@mplorentz That's my analysis. I'll talk with @chereseeriepa about generating cards from these. Handing over assignment to her on this issue now

mixmix commented 1 year ago

Did some pairing with @chereseeriepa today, already seeing improvements in load times. Gonna pair with @zachmandeville on graphql caching of profiles tmrw

cooldracula commented 1 year ago

Mix and I paired on this today and diagnosed one area that could be causing the issue, which is that the library that the graphql server uses has a vulnerability to DDOS attacks (see these docs ). They recommend setting a “cache:bounded” option when configuring the server. These are caches that are being run under the hood automatically by the apollo server, and would be separate from other caches we’ve been discussing. I set this option and pushed a new image to both and From my load tests they both seem faster, but curious how others find it.

note for later: upgrade server The other recommendation from these docs is to upgrade the server to the next major version, where the caching system is stronger “out of the box”. I briefly looked at what would be entailed in doing this, and it might be a bit prickly getting all our dependencies to work together on the migration, so I saved that for another day.

danlatorre commented 1 year ago

Instead of creating new tickets I'm just adding on to this existing open ticket. This post is mainly for @chereseeriepa but since this is a compound stack of issues for QA/debug it'd be good for @mplorentz @mixmix and @cooldracula to have visibility on this.


In the screen cast I demo the 3 main UX QA issues to investigate, in a Lean timebox of a 1-2 hours for each issue. The outcome here is to determine the root issue and either fix if quick (a few hours or less) or have an estimate of the fix.

  1. On a person's page the UI loads, you can see the cards, but SSB text and image content don't load.
  2. On a person's page e.g. Paul Semel the images are broken/no loaded or they load but then viewing image in a new tab generates a 502 bad gateway error.
  3. On a person's page, the profile data loads, but the person's feed doesn't load at all, no UI no data... we just a 3 dot ellipse animating.
cooldracula commented 1 year ago

For the third point(profile data loads, but not the person's feed), I wonder if it on accounts that have not posted anything yet?

I checked a couple of accounts, one where posts load and ones where we see the ellipsis:

on, you can run queries against our graphql server, like one to get the profile for a feed id, with its threads.
This is (roughly) the call being made by the frontend to the graphql server when visiting a profile.

  query  {
    profile: getProfile (id: $ssbID) {
      threads {

If you run the below, condensed query, you can see that Daniel's response has threads while yeradis' does not:

  # Write your query or mutation here
query {
  yeradis: getProfile(
    id: "@a2djG8NtXafuD7vSdymhfYd97HUr7snWfVd7gxSvXe4=.ed25519"
  ) {
    threads {
  daniel: getProfile(
    id: "@GCSmjLHmFC8m9t0ouJ6cY4tzlQdIbBaQfI0Uifw5cZA=.ed25519"
  ) {
    threads {

Are there any cases we can find where the person has threads, but their page is only showing the ellipses? If not, maybe we'd just need a "this person has not posted yet!" style text if their threadcount is 0?

mplorentz commented 1 year ago

@cooldracula wow nice find. I checked a few people I had seen ellipses on and they all have a thread count of 0.