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Change .travisci.yml to run the tox tests instead #68

Closed godber closed 8 years ago

godber commented 8 years ago

It's always annoyed me that we use tox to run tests against multiple pythons and then in travis we redo this work and test multiple environments differently. I think I have finally found an example that uses travis in conjunction with tox. Check this out:

language: python
 - 2.7
sudo: false
 - TOX_ENV=py27
 - TOX_ENV=docs
 - TOX_ENV=lint
 - pip install tox
 - pip install coveralls
 - tox -e $TOX_ENV
 - coveralls

Maybe it will work for us.

Example from RTFD:

wtolson commented 8 years ago

I thought we did that at one point ( but decided againt it as it had to then compile numpy and scipy leading to sloooow tests.

godber commented 8 years ago

Oh, good memory. I should stop wanting to do this then.