here is another similar case @dwins
Reproject takes optional sourceCRS and targetCRS:
which seems a bit weird, I'd expect targetCRS to be required actually, and sourceCRS to be an optional override for the dataset CRS. But they are both marked optional:
<Input maxOccurs="1" minOccurs="0">
<ows:Abstract>Coordinate reference system of input geometry</ows:Abstract>
<Input maxOccurs="1" minOccurs="0">
<ows:Abstract>Target coordinate reference system to use for
when you don't provide targetSRS, you get a run-time exception though:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><wps:ExecuteResponse xmlns:wps="" xmlns:ows="" xmlns:xlink="" xml:lang="en" service="WPS" serviceInstance="" version="1.0.0"><wps:Process wps:processVersion="1.0.0"><ows:Identifier>geo:reproject</ows:Identifier><ows:Title>Reproject Geometry</ows:Title><ows:Abstract>Reprojects a given geometry into a supplied coordinate reference system.</ows:Abstract></wps:Process><wps:Status creationTime="2014-10-02T08:25:40.422Z"><wps:ProcessFailed><ows:ExceptionReport version="1.1.0"><ows:Exception exceptionCode="NoApplicableCode"><ows:ExceptionText>Process failed during execution
Reprojection faiiled
Argument &quot;sourceCRS&quot; should not be null.</ows:ExceptionText></ows:Exception></ows:ExceptionReport></wps:ProcessFailed></wps:Status></wps:ExecuteResponse>
here is another similar case @dwins Reproject takes optional sourceCRS and targetCRS:
which seems a bit weird, I'd expect targetCRS to be required actually, and sourceCRS to be an optional override for the dataset CRS. But they are both marked optional:
when you don't provide targetSRS, you get a run-time exception though:
request is: