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Temp removing Telerik and #708

Open jamesmontemagno opened 3 years ago

jamesmontemagno commented 3 years ago

These blogs have some odd issue where they keep popping up to the top and also keep getting tweeted out daily

bbenetskyy commented 3 years ago

@jamesmontemagno what should I do to have me back to this list? Same problem I see here with other tweets as well:


bbenetskyy commented 3 years ago

@jamesmontemagno also other members from medium feed works well and was not disabled, maybe it was a temporary issue and can try to get it back?

jamesmontemagno commented 3 years ago

I am curious if it is something else. super weird.....

jamesmontemagno commented 3 years ago

@Cheesebaron maybe some ids or dates are odd in the rss and some posts are being triggered as new multiple times.... idk odd

Cheesebaron commented 3 years ago

I don't see any dupes in our feed?

bbenetskyy commented 3 years ago

In a couple of days, I plan to add one more blog post and we will see if that bug still exist and what's actually happens.

Before publishing the blog post I left you guys to know about that here

jamesmontemagno commented 3 years ago

@Cheesebaron it's not in the feed, checkout which is basically looking at changes in the RSS via IFTTT

Cheesebaron commented 3 years ago

@jamesmontemagno how does this IFTTT thing detect uniqueness of items?

jamesmontemagno commented 3 years ago ? not sure...

jamesmontemagno commented 3 years ago

I guess we could try to hook up a logic app or something else to it to try it out to see if there are duplicates that come through.

Cheesebaron commented 3 years ago

It is probably based on the URL. Looking at the twitter account, it seems to be related to One thing the author does is to post in multiple languages, maybe something is up with that.

@jamesmontemagno which URL are you using for the IFTTT? The feed url that only grabs English blogs?

jamesmontemagno commented 3 years ago

Yeah, I am using ->

jamesmontemagno commented 3 years ago

Yeah, it does look like that is the issue.... Let me try the normal feed maybe.

luismts commented 3 years ago

Hi, I'm seeing my name and blog here.

Yes, that behavior was a little odd. But it happened with other posts too.

I'm looking at what is happening with my English feed. Right now just Spanish posts are being published.

Do you know what is happening?

cc @Cheesebaron @jamesmontemagno

bbenetskyy commented 3 years ago

Yesterday I published a new blog post. At it appears in ~2h as only one tweet.

Today I try to edit my blog post - because I thought that updates my cause new tweets, but in 2 hours after update a blog post there still no new tweets at tweeter.

I think problem is fixed and all works as expected 😊