planety / prologue

Powerful and flexible web framework written in Nim
Apache License 2.0
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Empty memorysession when route contains path params #208

Open teroz opened 1 year ago

teroz commented 1 year ago

Hey there I found an issue with the memorysession. When a route has a path parameter sessions is not immediately updated after the route is processed. Using the memorysession example in the repo add the route login/{id} as shown below

# urls.nim

import prologue

import ./views

const urlPatterns* = @[
  pattern("/", hello),
  pattern("/login/", login),
  pattern("/login/{id}", login),
  pattern("/logout", logout),
  pattern("/print", print)

Update the login handler to actually use the path parameter like so

# view.nim

import prologue

proc hello*(ctx: Context) {.async.} =
  resp "<h1>Hello, Prologue!</h1>"

proc login*(ctx: Context) {.async.} =
  ctx.session["flywind"] = "123"
  ctx.session["ordontfly"] = "345"

  ## Be careful when using session or csrf middlewares,
  ## Response object will cover the headers of before.
  resp htmlResponse("<h1>Login</h1>" & $ctx.getPathParams("id"), headers = ctx.response.headers)

proc print*(ctx: Context) {.async.} =
  resp $ctx.session

proc logout*(ctx: Context) {.async.} =
  resp htmlResponse("<h1>Logout</h1>", headers = ctx.response.headers)

Now when you run the app and now call http://localhost:8080/login/1 and then check http://localhost:8080/print as before you will see session is empty.

Route http://localhost:8080/login works just fine as before