plankanban / planka

The realtime kanban board for workgroups built with React and Redux.
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
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Feature Request: Header or env variable based authentication #200

Open Forceu opened 2 years ago

Forceu commented 2 years ago

It would be amazing if Planka supported either headers or env variables for authentication.

The use case would be SSO software running on the reverse proxy, in my case Authelia with Nginx. I can configure Nginx to set a header or env variable containing the username and one containing the user role. So if Planka checks the header and a user with that username exists, a new session is created.

It would be even better if a new user would automatically be created if the username cannot be found, but that use case would not be super important for me. I already looked through the code, unfortunately I was not able to implement the feature myself.


lorenz commented 2 years ago

I have started working on OIDC integration in, would this also work for you?

max-tet commented 2 years ago

I also would love to have a proxy auth feature and OIDC would not work for me.

I am running Planka behind a Traefik reverse proxy which handles all my authentication needs and can set headers on the requests it passes on. The perfect proxy auth feature for me would work like this:

  1. Start Plaka with additional environment variables:
    • containing the name of the initial admin user (e.g. admin=admin_user)
    • enabling proxy auth (e.g. proxy_auth=true)
    • setting the key of the http header that contains the username (e.g. auth_header=X-Authenticated-User)
  2. Configure the reverse proxy to authenticate incoming requests in any way you like.
  3. Let the reverse proxy set X-Authenticated-User to the authenticated username on every request.
  4. Planka treats the requests as if they belong to the appropriate user session.
  5. Bonus: if Planka does not know the username, it creates a new user with that name.

That way, user management could be mostly delegated to the reverse proxy which is extremely helpful if you have multiple apps behind the same proxy and want to take care of user management only once.

Edit: BTW, I am using Planka for this product. Since this is a single-user platform, users really should see no login screen at all, not even for SSO.

Thanks a lot!

Forceu commented 2 years ago

Yes, I have a similar setup and although OIDC would already make it easier, header authentication would be even better! If I can help in any way let me know!

prologic commented 11 months ago

I'd also like proxy auth via HTTP trusted header/proxies as well. I'd love to put Authelia in front of this 👌

saadqaz1 commented 4 months ago

I'd also like proxy auth via HTTP trusted header/proxies as well. I'd love to put Authelia in front of this 👌

I'm using Traefik and Authelia as a OIDC provider for Planka and SSO works great but for some reason the 'OIDC_ROLES_ATTRIBUTE' config doesn't seem to work for me when I try setting it to '=admin' then creating a LLDAP group called 'admin' and adding the user.

The user just has read only access so I have to add that user to each project/board via the default admin.

oomenit commented 1 month ago

I'd also like proxy auth via HTTP trusted header/proxies as well. I'd love to put Authelia in front of this 👌

I'm using Traefik and Authelia as a OIDC provider for Planka and SSO works great but for some reason the 'OIDC_ROLES_ATTRIBUTE' config doesn't seem to work for me when I try setting it to '=admin' then creating a LLDAP group called 'admin' and adding the user.

The user just has read only access so I have to add that user to each project/board via the default admin.

Could you comment how you got Authelia working? I have followed the OIDC guide but Planka keeps giving me an 'unknown' error with no logging at all when trying to login with SSO.

My Authelia config:

and my docker-compose for Planka:

  - OIDC_CLIENT_ID=authelia-planka
  - OIDC_SCOPES=openid email profile
  - OIDC_USERNAME_ATTRIBUTE=preferred_username

But I keep getting:
