I'd like to be able to pick a color from a set of colors/HEX that will be used for the entire list
Why is this needed?
To differentiate the lists in the kanban. Example : I use a custom kanban to view the status of the projects that I manage. Every list represents the status (DEV, Internal testing, SIT, UAT, Production) and I'd like to be able to select a color (different from the standard grey) to highlight the items that went in production.
That would be very nice. I just switched from another task management / kanban system to Planka and I am missing this feature. Even if it is not vital it improves the overview a lot.
Is this a feature for the backend or frontend?
What would you like?
I'd like to be able to pick a color from a set of colors/HEX that will be used for the entire list
Why is this needed?
To differentiate the lists in the kanban. Example : I use a custom kanban to view the status of the projects that I manage. Every list represents the status (DEV, Internal testing, SIT, UAT, Production) and I'd like to be able to select a color (different from the standard grey) to highlight the items that went in production.
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