plantbreeding / IPK-BrAPI-Validator

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Make "Test Your Own" the front page? #67

Open BrapiCoordinatorSelby opened 1 year ago

BrapiCoordinatorSelby commented 1 year ago

There might be other opinions here, but I think the primary use case for Brava is to allow people to test their own servers in a one off test. I don't know of anyone who uses the recurring weekly test data. Perhaps we should highlight the "Test Your Own" page as the primary feature.

patrick-koenig commented 1 year ago

I see it that way as well.

langeipk commented 1 year ago

BRAVA was designed for these two use cases, which was (still is?) linked to the BrAPI implementition phases for breeding data resources.

  1. develop in a test environment: BRAVA test your own
  2. deploy as productive version and register in the central endpoint registry (BrAPI GITHUB) : BRAVA weekly test

The second is to deliuver a metric to data consumer and developer about the quality of BrAPI endpoints.

BrapiCoordinatorSelby commented 1 year ago

@langeipk totally agree, I just think the priority of those use cases has flipped since BRAVA was first developed, and "Test your own" should be presented first. I think some of the other issues raised will help make the BRAVA weekly test more valuable, right now there are a lot of false negatives that need to be resolved, and its not particularly useful. I also have an item on my ever growing TODO list to pull the summary results from BRAVA and display them on the page to further deliver that quality metric

I would also add one additional use case that BRAVA should be designed for

  1. Headless testing utility that can be used in automated release testing #68 Not a new idea, but if we are formalizing use cases, that should be considered in the design also