I just ran the coAccess function in Socrates to determine per-cluster co-accessible ACRs. I now am working on calculating per cluster gene-accessibillity scores using your call_coaccessible script.
Could you share a few lines of this bed file, "/scratch/apm25309/single_cell/ATACseq/v3/bedfiles/resources/Zm.geneAnnotation.bed". I just want to make sure I format my bed file correctly when working through this.
Hi Alex,
I just ran the coAccess function in Socrates to determine per-cluster co-accessible ACRs. I now am working on calculating per cluster gene-accessibillity scores using your call_coaccessible script.
Could you share a few lines of this bed file, "/scratch/apm25309/single_cell/ATACseq/v3/bedfiles/resources/Zm.geneAnnotation.bed". I just want to make sure I format my bed file correctly when working through this.