plantinformatics / pretzel

Javascript full-stack framework for Big Data visualisation and analysis
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Streamlining setup of blast databases #411

Open Don-Isdale opened 1 month ago

Don-Isdale commented 1 month ago


This issue is a proposal / discussion to simplify and streamline setup of blast databases.

It would be sufficient for the user to drop the fasta file into the Pretzel GUI, and input the text datasetId; Pretzel will do the rest of the blast database setup :

Currently the 'DNA Sequence Search' panel dataset pull-down contains the list of datasets which have the BlastDb tag. Pretzel server should also check that the datasetId blast directory exists and is readable, and not include datasets in the blast search list if they not ready for blast search, i.e. check that the blast database exists and is readable and indexed.

Pretzel GUI can display a notification tag in Dataset Explorer for datasets which have a tag BlastDb but are not ready for blast search; message display in dataset panel (can have a button for refresh status also).