Open Don-Isdale opened 6 years ago
For the purpose of classifying possible features to be added to observational table, I'm collating a check-list; seeking comment on whether features are relevant to Pretzel or not, and a priority / order.
We want to select the essential features for June, others can be started after those are released, but it is useful to assign a likelihood to later features, so we can make sure the UI design is integral.
already mentioned in the #dev comments :
aligning the table with mapview; (put the matrix in the right panel) The left panels View/Explorer/Upload - may operate in 2 separate modes for mapview / individual, or can they each contain 2 contexts, perhaps separate tabs mapview & individual. (Alex, any thoughts ... )
clicking on the column heading sorts, by data value in that column, and re-arranges other columns in parallel; does this apply to observational table ?
allow user to create additional tables and select which table to add individual / annotation to.
possible additional means of selecting focus individual, e.g. click on column header
Additional :
display any available metadata of selected row / column of table (individual / feature)
extend individual focus from single to multiple , i.e. A if == all of the selected focus individuals, B if != all, and otherwise A/B with a transient colour between green & red.
some possible features :
Some notes :
colouring base values (A/C/G/T) in the table cells
Alternate mode, when an individual column is selected, display instead of A/C/G/T : A/B, where
conventional colours : A : green, B : red (terminology: A "reference value", B "alternate value")
See also :
hover on a cell : highlight that feature on the aligned genetic maps
We can have an invisible axis with constant height feature spacing - lines up with the rows of the table, so the paths appear to align to the left edge of the table, or the table can report the position of each row { "myFeature2" : yPixel_offset } and the paths can be drawn to these values.
(later) These lines, if too crowded, may be spread out like a Sankey Diagram :
(later) Relationship between individuals may be shown as a tree, e.g. Tree of Life Collapsible Tree