plantphys / gsti

A project focused on the development of generalized spectra-trait models for the prediction of leaf photosynthetic capacity. This includes models focused on the prediction of leaf nitrogen, leaf mass per area (LMA), leaf water content (LWC), Vcmax, Jmax and dark respiration.
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Convert HOWTOs to a wiki page? #51

Open serbinsh opened 1 year ago

serbinsh commented 1 year ago

Should we convert the HOWTOs to a wiki instead of a vignette? They arent a traditional code execution vignette and more instructional

JulienLamour commented 1 year ago

Ok, good idea.

JulienLamour commented 1 year ago

Started. I think I will also put the pdf documents concerning the model we use and other information there.