plantphys / spectratrait

A tutorial R package for illustrating how to fit, evaluate, and report spectra-trait PLSR models. The package provides functions to enhance the base functionality of the R pls package, identify an optimal number of PLSR components, standardize model validation, and vignette examples that utilize datasets sourced from EcoSIS (
GNU General Public License v3.0
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baseR create_data_split tweaks #88

Open serbinsh opened 2 years ago

serbinsh commented 2 years ago

@JulienLamour pointed out here that we are hard-coded a minimum number of obs needed for data split but then provide no error handling when the obs are too low. We should instead either stop and mention that the groups are insufficient or provide a solution, such as putting the obs into either cal or val randomly and then reporting as such since again this is really about selecting cal./val datasets