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Contains all issues for plantuml that are not currently working-in-progress
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Custom sprites not working with -tlatex option #33

Open skyfrk opened 4 years ago

skyfrk commented 4 years ago

When I render this example with the VSCode plantuml plugin it works:



!define AzurePuml
!includeurl AzurePuml/AzureCommon.puml
!includeurl AzurePuml/Analytics/AzureEventHub.puml
!includeurl AzurePuml/Analytics/AzureStreamAnalytics.puml
!includeurl AzurePuml/Databases/AzureCosmosDb.puml

left to right direction

agent "Device Simulator" as devices #fff

AzureEventHub(fareDataEventHub, "Fare Data", "PK: Medallion HackLicense VendorId; 3 TUs")
AzureEventHub(tripDataEventHub, "Trip Data", "PK: Medallion HackLicense VendorId; 3 TUs")
AzureStreamAnalytics(streamAnalytics, "Stream Processing", "6 SUs")
AzureCosmosDb(outputCosmosDb, "Output Database", "1,000 RUs")

devices --> fareDataEventHub
devices --> tripDataEventHub
fareDataEventHub --> streamAnalytics
tripDataEventHub --> streamAnalytics
streamAnalytics --> outputCosmosDb


Rendered: image

If the -tlatex:nopreamble is specified rendering it creates this .latex file:

% generated by Plantuml 1.2019.08      
,pstyle1/.style={color=plantucolor0003,fill=white,line width=1.5pt}
,pstyle2/.style={color=plantucolor0004,line width=1.0pt}
,pstyle3/.style={color=plantucolor0004,fill=plantucolor0004,line width=1.0pt}
\draw[color=plantucolor0001,fill=white,line width=1.5pt] (6pt,163pt) rectangle (139.2247pt,200.7461pt);
\node at (16pt,173pt)[below right,color=black]{Device Simulator};
\draw[pstyle1] (199pt,8pt) rectangle (384.0761pt,163.9141pt);
\node at (240.1017pt,18pt)[below right,color=black]{\textit{\guillemotleft AzureEventHub\guillemotright }};
\node at (251.7969pt,33.2109pt)[below right,color=black]{\textbf{Fare Data}};
\node at (257.538pt,53.4922pt)[below right]{{null}};
\node at (209pt,123.4922pt)[below right,color=black]{\textit{[PK: Medallion HackLicense }};
\node at (240.8323pt,138.7031pt)[below right,color=black]{\textit{VendorId; 3 TUs]}};
\draw[pstyle1] (199pt,199pt) rectangle (384.0761pt,354.9141pt);
\node at (240.1017pt,209pt)[below right,color=black]{\textit{\guillemotleft AzureEventHub\guillemotright }};
\node at (253.3688pt,224.2109pt)[below right,color=black]{\textbf{Trip Data}};
\node at (257.538pt,244.4922pt)[below right]{{null}};
\node at (209pt,314.4922pt)[below right,color=black]{\textit{[PK: Medallion HackLicense }};
\node at (240.8323pt,329.7031pt)[below right,color=black]{\textit{VendorId; 3 TUs]}};
\draw[pstyle1] (444pt,118.5pt) rectangle (611.7032pt,245.2031pt);
\node at (459.0875pt,128.5pt)[below right,color=black]{\textit{\guillemotleft AzureStreamAnalytics\guillemotright }};
\node at (454pt,143.7109pt)[below right,color=black]{\textbf{Stream Processing}};
\node at (492.8516pt,163.9922pt)[below right]{{null}};
\node at (506.1569pt,219.9922pt)[below right,color=black]{\textit{[6 SUs]}};
\draw[pstyle1] (672pt,111.5pt) rectangle (827.1158pt,252.2031pt);
\node at (695.0728pt,121.5pt)[below right,color=black]{\textit{\guillemotleft AzureCosmosDb\guillemotright }};
\node at (682pt,136.7109pt)[below right,color=black]{\textbf{Output Database}};
\node at (714.5579pt,156.9922pt)[below right]{{null}};
\node at (714.5579pt,226.9922pt)[below right,color=black]{\textit{[1,000 RUs]}};
\draw[pstyle2] (116.632pt,162.919pt) ..controls (138.832pt,153.098pt) and (166.852pt,140.701pt) .. (193.878pt,128.745pt);
\draw[pstyle3] (198.557pt,126.675pt) -- (188.7082pt,126.659pt) -- (193.9846pt,128.6983pt) -- (191.9454pt,133.9748pt) -- (198.557pt,126.675pt) -- cycle;
\draw[pstyle2] (117.152pt,201.11pt) ..controls (139.381pt,210.842pt) and (167.347pt,223.085pt) .. (194.289pt,234.88pt);
\draw[pstyle3] (198.953pt,236.922pt) -- (192.3107pt,229.6501pt) -- (194.3722pt,234.918pt) -- (189.1043pt,236.9794pt) -- (198.953pt,236.922pt) -- cycle;
\draw[pstyle2] (384.171pt,123.529pt) ..controls (402.136pt,130.883pt) and (420.944pt,138.582pt) .. (438.793pt,145.889pt);
\draw[pstyle3] (443.8pt,147.939pt) -- (436.9864pt,140.8274pt) -- (439.1727pt,146.0447pt) -- (433.9555pt,148.231pt) -- (443.8pt,147.939pt) -- cycle;
\draw[pstyle2] (384.171pt,239.862pt) ..controls (402.136pt,232.584pt) and (420.944pt,224.965pt) .. (438.793pt,217.734pt);
\draw[pstyle3] (443.8pt,215.706pt) -- (433.9566pt,215.3774pt) -- (439.1657pt,217.5831pt) -- (436.96pt,222.7922pt) -- (443.8pt,215.706pt) -- cycle;
\draw[pstyle2] (612.297pt,182pt) ..controls (629.992pt,182pt) and (648.663pt,182pt) .. (666.316pt,182pt);
\draw[pstyle3] (671.76pt,182pt) -- (662.76pt,178pt) -- (666.76pt,182pt) -- (662.76pt,186pt) -- (671.76pt,182pt) -- cycle;

Which looks like this if compiled with Lualatex: image

Instead of the icons it displays null. I guess that custom sprites are not being translated to a tikz image?

pablojimpas commented 2 years ago

I'm facing the same issue compiling with pdfLatex but I don't see null, just a blank space.

What's holding back this feature? What work needs to be done to achieve this?

arnaudroques commented 2 years ago

Well, it would really help if you could tell us about possible options to use PNG image within a LaTeX file :-)

pablojimpas commented 2 years ago

Well, it would really help if you could tell us about possible options to use PNG image within a LaTeX file :-)

I ended up using EPS output but this is a legit issue anyways, at least it shouldn't fail silently.

arnaudroques commented 1 year ago

We still are looking for some way to use PNG images with TikZ.